Author's Note

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And so, after more than three years and over 360 000 words, the story of Jenny and her family finally draws to a close.

Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who have been so supportive of my writing, especially when I didn't update anything for months. It is only through your support that I have the motivation to continue writing, so thank you so much to all of you.

Now, on a more serious note, I will admit that I was not happy with the way that this book turned out. While, yes, it was fine, I feel that I didn't convey everything I wanted to in the correct way. I write with a great deal of emotion, but I felt like there was a block between myself and my characters, which is really what irked me the most while writing this and why it took me so long to finish.

But I came to realize that, although I have shown this book to the world, it in no way means that it is the final draft and set in stone. Therefore, I will be going through it again in the months to come and make any changes I feel necessary.

You, my lovely readers, are also more than welcome to tell me if there is something that you didn't like or feel should have been different. Your comments and opinions mean a lot to me and do help me greatly with my writing journey.

Fun Fact – in 'Jenny's Heart', Nathan's parents were never meant to make a reappearance after the trip to Miami. It was when someone commented that they wondered how his parents were going to react upon finding out about Isabella being Nathan's daughter that I realized that they needed to appear again toward the end of the book.

Imagine how much different the book would have been then.

I am hoping to get this book published, although that will only be once I have gone through it again and made some changes. It could be a few months to a few years before I make that announcement, so you are welcome to hit the follow button to be notified when I do.

But, even with all these plans, I am going to continue.

I currently have two stories in mind and I'm not sure which one to choose. The first one I wouldn't even call a dark romance, because I wouldn't enjoy experiencing a romance of that kind. It is more of a book to raise awareness of that kind of relationship.

The other is a historical romance. I will admit that I have always loved reading historical romances, but I feel like it's not something that many people find interesting anymore. Does anyone still read historical romances, or is that now a thing of the past? (Excuse the pun).

So, if you have a preference, do let me know in the comments.

I am trying my absolute best to put my writing in a more important position in my life, so the chapters shouldn't take too long to be published. Although I am wavering between writing it until it's finished before publishing or doing it as I have always done, where I upload a chapter as it's finished.

Just some food for thought.

It is now time for my usual end-of-book questions. Feel free to answer in whichever way you wish.

1. Which relationship in the book did you like/relate to the most and why?

2. Which of the two books did you prefer and why?

3. Do you have any other questions regarding the characters and books?

Thank you all once again for your love and support. It really means the world to me. And don't forget to press the follow icon, as in the next few weeks I will be announcing my author's Instagram account along with my new book!

Much love

Katelyn Dallis

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