Chapter 19- Hide and Seek

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Chapter 19- Hide and Seek

Waking up with a headache was awful but better than a full blown hang over. Trying to fight the hang over I tried to turn around and lay in bed for a bit longer but I couldn't move from my spot. Looking to my left I saw Blake asleep with his arms around me. Suddenly remembering the event of last night I was flooded with sadness and couldn't help but cry. My walls that I have worked so hard on were now gone. The walls that I made, ever since my first beating, to block me from the harmful world was gone and I couldn't get it back. Even if I could he already knows. I lay in bed for I don't know how long before I swipe the tears off my cheeks and carefully slide out from underneath Blake's arms. I walk to the bathroom to get ready and then I run downstairs to start breakfast. When breakfast is close to being done I hear a door close from upstairs because of my werewolf hearing and soon Blake waltzes his way into the kitchen.

"Hey Hayls." He whispers in my ear and sends my wolf purring in content.

"Hey." I whisper. Clearing my throat I spoke again. "Can you check on Christopher and tell him breakfast is almost ready?"

He nods and leaves to do as I asked. A couple minutes later I started laying out three plates full of food one for eggs, one for pancakes, and one for bacon. Then I lay out three more plates for me, Christopher and Blake. After our plates are clear I helped Christopher get ready and we made our way to the pack house. Blake had promised Christopher that we could go play with the other pack children today. When we got there Christopher ran to all the little kids that were in the pack backyard leaving me and Blake following slowly behind. I smiled at the thought of Christopher being welcomed with the other pack kids and the smile never left my face. When we reached them I bent down.

"What you guys playing?" I ask cheerfully to which the kids replied "hide and seek" there voices filled with equal cheerfulness.

Everyone cheered in excitement and volunteered me and Blake to be it. We agreed and everyone ran to hide screaming in excitement and anxiousness. We both counted to fifty to give them a head start and then we began searching.

"Where could they go." Blake said with fake surprise. Hearing laughter to our left I laughed to myself at their cuteness and headed to the left and heard a squeal. Up ahead a few more steps there was a tree and some bushes. Taking a step forward I heard muffled giggles and saw one of the bushes move. I moved towards the bushes and suddenly the giggling stopped. I walked passed the bushes mockingly and when I got as far where they couldn't see me I made a loop behind the bushes and snuck up behind them.

"found you." I whisper behind them and they jump up squalling and laughing. I laughed at there cuteness with a smile and asked if they wanted to help find people. Of course they squealed louder and agreed. This went on for another hour until we arrived back to the center of the yard. Almost immediatley Blake stiffens and I can tell that he is using the pack link.

"Get the kids in the house." I dont remove my eyes from him. Giving him a curious look I try to ask him what was going on but I was interrupted by Blake who told me once again to take the kids to the house. Turning around I look at the kids and begin to panic.

"Christopher?!" I shout panicking even more.

"Shit!" Blake cusses as he realizes that Christopher is no where to be found.

He quickly shifts into his wolf and runs into the forest and moments later people are running out of the house and shifting into their wolves. Quickly bringing the kids inside I leave them with the older pack women and rush back outside. Shifting to my wolf I follow Blake and the other wolves' scents and come across a rouge smelling a tree. Blake was a couple feet to the right looking around the trees im guessing looking for Christopher and then there were the other wolves that were on the left while I was in the center. No one else notice the rouge a couple feet in front of me. Studying my sorrounding I catch a glimpse of something and my wolf instantly growls and steps forward. I run forward trying to get the rouge away from the tree. When it sees me running it also runs to me. I quickly duck down avoiding the lunge that was soon to come. The wolf landed on the other side of me. I turned around so I was in front of the tree and bent down into a defensive stance, growling at the rouge. I quickly behind me seeing Christopher cower further into the crack in the tree trunk before I am tackled to the ground. My howl soon sorrounded the woods as the rouge bit into my shoulder.


I know its pretty short then what I usually write but more is to come so please comment vote and follow. Stay tuned because I should update soon :)

Hope you enjoy and sorry for the cliff hanger haha. :p

Hell BoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon