Hour 1

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Hour one of the sleep over: "Rut Ro, Riley."

Tom is currently raiding Alexander's kitchen for food. I don't know where Alexander is, but Zach told me he won't be back until morning.

I'm not complaining, though because Tom and I are having a sleep over!

"Cheetos!" He yells. He runs in with two family sized bags of cheetos. Standing in front of me, he suddenly bear hugs the bags and they explode. Cheetos fly everywhere.

It would have been funny if Alexander's living room wasn't white. Like totally white.

"Oh shit."

We begin to grab every cheeto we see while Tom mutters that we're "dead. So dead."

And then . . . Crunch!

I look over at Tom quickly as he slowly lifts his foot from the white carpet. A crunch cheeto lay embedded in the floor.

He looks up at me. "Rut ro, Riley."

We run around trying to find something to clean it up with. So far, water, soap, and a vacuum hasn't worked.

"Bleach!" I shout. We run around the entire mansion until we finally find bleach. I pour some in a cup and grab a white towl to dip in it and rub on the carpet.

The stain has just come all the way out when I hear: "Ugh, ew! Gross!" And coughing.

I spin around and yank the bleach cup out of his hand. "You're a freaking idiot, Pond."

The Art Of SneezingWhere stories live. Discover now