Chapter 6

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Gabby's POV


"Jordy, tell me what the fuck were you doing with my daughter?" I asked her, folding my arms over my chest.

"Hello, Gabrielle." Jordan put a smile on her face.

Damn, she still had that affect on me when she called me by my name. She didn't flinch when I intentionally called her 'Jordy', so, she had moved on for sure.

"Cut the crap, Jordan." I looked into her eyes and I found something I never thought I'd still find in her eyes again.

No, I didn't want to say what was that.

"I was just asking her to go out with me, you know, to catch up. It's been ten years I didn't see her. I missed her." She replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"And did you have my consent? She is my daughter, she isn't legal yet, that means she can't make her own decision." I said harshly.

Jordan seemed so calm. "I'm sorry I didn't ask your consent first and today is my last chance to meet up with her while I'm here. I'm afraid I don't have another chance to see her again. You were out when I came here to pick her up."

"Well, do I care? You can't just ask her to go out with you, Jordan. And yeah, I won't give you a consent to see her ever again. She is my daughter and you're just no one!" I spatted out.

Jordan seemed taken aback. I could see hurt in her eyes. Okay, maybe I was too much. I knew how close she was to Allie, but I couldn't take my words back.

Jordan forced a smile. "I guess this is my real goodbye for her since I didn't have that chance ten years ago." She paused for a moment. "Once again, I'm sorry. Please tell Allie I love her, as always. Goodbye, Gabrielle."

She slowly turned her body. But before she reached her car, Allie ran towards her and hugged Jordan tightly. I had to look away to suppress my tears.

Fuck, their bond was real and I couldn't understand why it stood still. It had been ten years yet their bond was still there.

I could see Jordan patted Allie's back and looked at me some of the time. I didn't know what they were talking about since it was too far from me. I saw Allie's body trembling, she was crying.

I decided to give them time, maybe I felt guilty because I said something hurtful to Jordan. I saw Allie nodded, Jordan wiped Allie's tears away and they hugged each other longer than the first one.

Allie waited for Jordan to get in the car and she waved her hand when Jordan's car started to disappear from our sight. Allie seemed like she looked at something in her hand.

Then Allie brushed her shoulder to mine and walked inside our house without a single glance at me.

Was she mad at me?


"Allie, wake up baby!" I shouted in front of her room. "It's school day."

I knew she was mad at me. She gave me cold shoulder on the weekend and didn't talk to me at all. Well, I blamed Jordan on that one because Allie never did this to me before.

I didn't hear she replied me but I knew she was awake judging by the footsteps inside her bedroom to her own bathroom. I chose to wait for her in the kitchen and made breakfast for us.

Allie sat on the kitchen stool, I kissed her head. "Good morning, baby."

"Morning, Mom." She replied casually.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked her, smiling.

"Duh." She rolled her eyes.

"And why is that?" I placed a plate of pancakes for her.

"Why don't you tell me what happened between you and Jordan ten years ago until you decided to go away from her?" Allie looked at me, and somehow it reminded me of how Jordan looked at me when we had an argument.

Crap, I forgot that this daughter of mine was spending her day with Jordan every day ten years ago. I wondered why she acted more like her than me, Jordan wasn't her mother though.

"She didn't tell you?" I asked Allie carefully.

She shook her head no. "And she said she leaves it to you. And now I want to know what happened back there until you shut her out all of sudden and it's been ten years, Mom. Ten fricking years!"

"Don't raise your voice, Allison." I said firmly. "She isn't your mother but you act like she is. Why it bothers you so much?"

"Because I love her!"

Allie gave me one good reason and I guess I was ready to tell my daughter about what happened ten years ago so she would understand why I couldn't be with Jordan. I took a deep breath and looked at her. She was like me, and I found myself in her. I prepared myself from whatever it was.

I told her about Olivia, her step aunt, and the relationship between Jordan and Olivia until that day when I found out that Jordan couldn't forget about Olivia when she looked at me and it hurt me so bad.

I ended up crying again why I decided to go away from Jordan. Allie wiped my tears off, she hugged me when I cried so hard. Fuck, that thing still hurt me so much just by remembering it.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" Allie asked when I was a little bit okay.

"Yeah, baby. You can ask me." I sobbed, smiling at her.

"Do you still love her?"

That caught me off guard. I looked at Allie who waited for my answer. Fuck, what I had to tell her? Did I still love Jordan? I did. Did I still wanna be with her? I didn't. She would still see me as Olivia. Hell no, I wouldn't hurt myself again.

"I do." I replied, Allie smiled. "But I don't wanna be with her."

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