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If someone told me last year September that I was going to end up in a new relationship with a woman that was out of my league in early March, I wouldn't have believed them. I would've laughed forever if they told me she was my teacher too.

And if you told me I was going to feel like king of the world, I would've rolled my eyes and said that feeling was no longer something I could personally feel. That my mother passing away and my family splitting up would render that feeling nonexistent.

"You asked her to be your girlfriend? Holy fuck! And she said yes!?" Tommy shouted next to me in the passenger seat.

I smiled, feeling proud, "Yeah. Honestly, I didn't think she was going to say yes."

We bumped our fists together, "Now that's a birthday present. Hope you guys last past school so I could finally meet Athena and not Ms. Frost."

I rolled my eyes, "Did you have to say it like that?"

"What? Say it like what?"

"Like we won't last."

"Look, I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work."

I sighed, "I hope we do."

My back rested against the arm of the couch. Athena placed a soft kiss on my abs, her hands holding my shirt up. She was slowly descending down my body. I tightened my stomach for the fleeting moment.

"You're hot," She said casually, placing another kiss under my navel.

I smiled, the soft sensation making me tingle, "Are you just saying that because I have nice abs?"

She bit my brief band and I felt her breath wash hot over my skin. I bit my bottom lip, trying to keep my focus. She hummed softly, "Maybe."

I felt her hand snaking it's way up my right thigh through my jeans, "Babe ..."

She chuckled while bringing her not so innocent eyes to me, pushing herself back up on her hands, "Hm?"

"You promised you were going to help me with this math homework."

She leaned over me, speaking into my neck, "And I am, it's just a little hard to focus when you look this good and you know I've been busy."

I placed my hands on her waist, moving my head to the side to give her more room, "Heh, you never make time for yourself?"

She sucked my pulse point, the warmth of her mouth making me sigh softly, "Masturbation does nothing for a girl like me. I need sex. Good sex."

"Fuck," I whispered.

I learned that whenever Athena wanted something, she was going to get it one way or another. It was incredibly arousing, but a pain in the ass whenever I had plans to do something else — like homework.

Her hand slid over the middle of my jeans and cupped me entirely. I swallowed a moan and grabbed her wrist, "Athena."

I knew she was grinning just by the sound of her voice, "From Babe to Athena in a matter of seconds? Am I in trouble?" She nipped playfully at my jaw.

I spoke in an attempt to sound firm, but I failed miserably, "You wouldn't last getting into trouble with me."

I let go of her wrist. Wrong move because my jeans suddenly loosened, which meant she undid my button in those quick seconds, "Mmm, wanna bet?"

"Athenaa ..." I whined. She slipped her hand inside my briefs. Her fingers running over my mound and purposely avoiding the place I wanted her to touch.

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