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I woke up, covered in sweat. The fading dreams of what felt like real memories now distant from my mind. I was still very much exhausted. I felt it when I opened my eyes and pushed myself to sit up.

The sun was sparkling through my blinds. I grabbed my phone off the ground to check the time and any text messages I may have received.

It was three in the afternoon. I had slept in so late.

The only texts I had were from Athena and my Dad. I opened Athena's text first.

"Good morning, I hope you got some rest. I'll be with Jason today at the hospital."

Reading his name annoyed me. I tried my best to ignore my jealousy. There was no reason for me to feel this way. His father is dying for fucks sake. And all I can think about is the time he gets to spend with Athena that should be my time.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

She doesn't belong to me. I need to stop allowing this selfish mindset to come about.

I went through my day, trying to get a grip. I was by myself in the house so I decided to entertain myself with cleaning the inside of my car and checking my tires. I even did a small workout just to keep my blood pumping so I wouldn't fall asleep.

When night fell, I was eating soup for dinner. Then I was bombarded by a few calls and extra text messages rushing me to hurry up and get ready. It all happened so fast.

"Hurry up!" Jasmine shouted from outside.

"I'm coming!" I screamed hoping she could hear me.

"Goddammit," I scrambled with my things. I quickly put on my cologne in the bathroom. I made sure my hair was alright and ran out of the house in a simple black shirt and jeans. It's not like I was given much time to look any better anyway.

The cool air hit me, leveling out my body temperature. Jasmine has been rushing me for the past ten minutes, but it wasn't my fault I wasn't ready. She's the one who didn't give me a heads up about her plans tonight until thirty minutes ago.

You can't expect someone to be ready for a night they weren't told about.

Jasmine disappeared into her car. I got in the passenger seat and shut the door. I could finally catch my breath. "Seriously, fuck you," I huffed.

She laughed and turned on the car, the engine roaring to life as she revved it up. We were on the road on our way to Gamma, where we're meeting Cam and Chai. I really needed a way out of my house and head so I was somewhat grateful for this last-minute thing.

I fastened my seatbelt, seeing Jasmine was flooring it already up the main streets.

"You smell like sex," She said with a smile on her face.

I grinned, "You mean my cologne?"

"Still seeing that girl?"

"Um ... yeah," I answered awkwardly. I'm surprised she remembered.

I turned the radio up. Joan Jett's song "Bad Reputation" was playing. The song matched perfectly with the mood and it was the perfect escape from that conversation.

Once we hit the highway, I became lost in thought. I gazed out the window through the entire ride, my mind traveling to Athena. I've only texted her once today and didn't receive a text back. It made me a little annoyed, but I let the feeling go as soon as it came.

She's spending time with her ex dying father in law. She deserves time.

We arrived, somehow getting an amazing parking spot.

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