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IT HAD ONLY BEEN a week since he had last seen Jay, but now the contrast to how he had been before seemed sharper than ever. He was smiling at Sahar as she talked avidly about whatever was blooming in her mind today, her long coat covering her mint-colored dress. Jay was in his usual sweater and jeans, both far more expensive than simple pieces of fabric should be. Happily he texted Clarkson that he was off with Jay, before glancing at Gabriela.

She was a bit absent-minded these days, but he knew the thought of her scholarship was one that filled her head. The results of midterms weren't in yet, but she was already thinking about the exams which followed after. Mateo however was thinking about Christmas and how he hoped for snow this year. All the matters concerning his future in the army he would talk about with the principal later with Jay, so he was going to ignore that now for as long as possible.

"Took you guys long enough!" Jay huffed once he saw them, though his voice sounded more teasing than anything else.

"Just admit you missed me, Jay-Jay," Mateo grinned.

"How have you been?" Gabriela smiled.

"Great," Sahar beamed," though we miss St Joseph. Gaia has a lot less crime."

"You mean they have none," Jay said.

"Surely we taught you two better than that," Mateo chastised," I expected the crime rates to skyrocket with you."

"The only thing that has skyrocketed for me is my distaste for the rich," Jay said with a shake of his head.

Laughing they started moving from where they had been standing in the middle of the town plaza by the fountain. Despite the chill of winter surrounding them the sun was still high in the sky, spilling over them softly like light filtering through an ocean. The last memories of Fall scattered away with the leaves as they walked through the crowd, the shops surrounding them on both sides already having hung up the Christmas lighting.

"So," Sahar said as he peered around," where's Chase? We were stalking him, right?"

"I prefer the term checking in on him out of worry," Mateo said.

"Same thing," Gabriela said.

"Nena," Mateo sulked," you're supposed to be on my side."

"Did you just hear someone say Nena?"

Gabriela grabbed Mateo by the hand and pulled him along further in the crowd, Jay and Sahar following closely behind. Only when they had two rows of people in front of them did he dare peek over them at his close friend. Chase and Amelia had just arrived at the plaza together, but the sound of his voice had caused Chase to stop, a frown on his face as he looked around.

"I didn't hear anything," Amelia said.

"I was sure I heard Mateo," Chase said confusedly.

Amelia flashed him a smile, hooking her arm through his and pulling him along. "Do you miss him already?"

"I actually do," Chase said," he's fun, in his own crazy way."

"Did you hear that?" Mateo whispered to Gabriela," he misses me."

"That's because you're quite loveable, Teo," she said, eyes twinkling.

Mateo's eyes warmed like the sun, his heart exploding like a supernova. "You're going to make me blush, Ne -"

Before he could finish his sentence Gabriela had covered his lips with her hand, but thankfully Chase hadn't heard. Instead he listened intently to Amelia speaking about her baseball games and nodded immediately once she asked him to come with. It was nice to see his friend smile so much, like nothing could get him down anymore.

Kisses after midnight (WICKED #0) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now