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THERE WERE MANY THINGS THAT the Daoming heir and leader of F4, Daoming Si, liked to take pride in — possessing the intelligence that he had ( which allowed him to earn over a billion won when he was just 18 ) being the most eligible bachelor in all of China, having the capability to do anything he wanted with the unlimited power he had, and most importantly, being well respected by all.

Whether the respect Si got was out of fear or admiration, being looked down upon and spoken into a way he wasn't used to wasn't something he could get around, or even like.

Over the past week, all Si could seem to bring his thoughts back to was one thing and that was of the encounter he had with the very angry Senior, whom he'd initially had assumed was a freshman quite like her friend that he'd supposedly made cry, but upon further research had discovered was the same age as him.

Si hadn't meant to make the sweet freshmen cry. In fact, he hadn't even wanted to speak to her. But her constant pestering over the acceptance of her cupcakes and apology, and the reminder of the humiliation he'd faced when the frosted cake had fallen on him is what had set him off and allowed his temper to get the best of him.

It was that same temper that had been seemingly getting him into more trouble lately — the knockout from a particular Dong being further proof of this very fact.

"What do you think Si?"

Upon hearing the sound of his name, Si was snapped out of his thoughts. When he looked up, he saw that all three of his friends were staring at him as they awaited for his answer on their question that Si hadn't managed to catch.


Meizuo was the first to respond from amongst them, "Seriously man?" he groaned, realizing that they'd have to repeat everything once again to their dazed friend, "Were you really not paying attention to our conversation?"

Ximen however quickly came to Si's defence, "Go easy on him man, he's had a rough week." Before Si could speak up or even thank Ximen for defending him though, Ximen continued on which made Si internally facepalm, "I mean having not one, but two girls putting him in his place within the span of just a week, is a major blow to the ego."

This caused Si to be reminded of the same events he was trying his best to forget about, "Shut up." he told them, but Ximen and Meizuo only snickered in response to his words, not taking them seriously at all.

"What were you three discussing about?"

"Our graduation trip." Lei answered, as he boredly explained of their discussion to him, "Meizuo and Ximen are suggesting Paris."

This caused Si to perk up, "And you agreed to it? No way!" he exclaimed, "I don't want to go to a lovey dovey place as part of our laat trip before going into the real world. I want to go somewhere fun!"

Si knew very well that his two friends were so admenemt on going to that destination because of the many girls they could pick up and have a good time with, afterall, Paris was known as one of the most romantic destinations around the world, aside from Italy and the Bahamas.

Meizuo tilted his head in confusion, "And you can't do that in Paris?"

Si scoffed, "With you two occupied by the girls there? No."

𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃, meteor gardenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon