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LI NA HAD UNDERESTIMATED HOW MUCH harder senior year would be in comparison to her previous years. Though her first three years had been pretty tough, especially knowledge-wise seeing that a lot of the content she was learning in most of her classes were completely new to her.

But this year, the amount of work they were being given right from the get-go was difficult, and she knew it wasn't because of the major she was doing, Yujie and Nayao were struggling with time management just as much as Li Na was, despite being part of completely different majors.

"I didn't think senior year would hit us this hard." Yujie groaned as she laid her head on the table she was currently working on.

The three were currently cooped up in their dorms trying to get work done as they had already attended their lectures for the day. But the exhaustion from trying to get used to being back at school and catching up on the now piling work was starting to get to each of them, especially Nayao, who was known to do well under pressure.

Yujie laid her head on the table for a couple seconds before turning to look back at the previously concentrated Li Na and Nayao, "Have you gotten anything done yet?"

"Nope." Li Na shook her head, "Still deciding on the topic for my study." she explained, now closing her eyes too in annoyance over not being able to come up with a single topic, despite the amount of time she'd had to decide on it.

"You know what, I think this calls for a break." Yujie exclaimed, shutting her books as she turned to the two girls with a grin.

Nayao gave her a blank stare, "It's only been ten minutes Yujie . . ." she pointed out.

"Yeah, ten long minutes." she exaggerated, "Come on, let's just watch one episode of the drama. Please." she pleaded, clasping her hands together to emphasize just how much she wanted to do something other than studying for the time being.

Li Na sighed. Knowing that she was going to regret her decision later, "Fine."

Though the trio had initially agreed on only watching one episode of the drama they'd collectively started on together a while back, they ended up watching much more than just that episode and eventually got sidetracked. They weren't sure of how much time had really passed, but they knew that it had been more than they'd anticipated once they heard the sound of the door opening, which indicated that their other roommate, Meili had returned from her last class of the day — which wasn't supposed to end until after eight.

"Oh Meili!" Yujie perked up when the familar sight of spacebuns came into view, "You're back early—" she started but paused when she noticed damp tears on the girls face.

The three immediately paused the tv and rushed to a whimpering Meili, "What's wrong?"

"I . . . he-" Meili said, trying to form words but wasn't able to because of the unwilling sob she let out. Ofcourse, that led to Meili full on crying, whilst Yujie and Nayao tried their best to comfort her.

Li Na on the other hand balled her hands into fist, wanting to know who had caused her to be in such a state, "Who did this to you?"  

Meili didn't say anything at first, and just cried. But after managing to somewhat calm her down a little and down a cup of water, she explained what had happened.

Apparently she'd went to apologize to someone for an incident involving a fallen cake from a while back. She'd made some cupcakes herself to show her sincerity to the person over the previous encounter, but when she'd reached them, the whole thing didn't go as she hoped it would. Let's just say the whole encounter ended with both Meilis feelings and the cupcakes being squashed like a bug.

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