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UNLIKE MOST PEOPLE, GUO LI NA liked to believe in the fact that she had most things figured out. Whether it be down to what she wants to do for the rest of her life — which is being a licensed Nurse by the way — or the people and environment she'd like to surround herself in, Li Na liked to refer to herself as an expert when it came to decision-making, especially big ones.

Li Na had always been good at quickly understanding right from wrong and deciding for herself what she deemed to be best. It's how from amongst all the other schools she'd applied to, she ended up deciding on attending Mingde University for her undergrad program.

Though her parents had been thrilled by her decision, they had also been concerned when they found out that she'd have to move out in order to attend the school due to the distance from it to her house in Beijing, but Li Na knew that her decision was the right one and would no doubt bring her success.

She was correct as the next three years of studying in her undergrad had been tough but worth it. All her classes, her work and extra effort had in a sense prepared her so that she could do well in her final year and get into the grad program she'd be applying to the following year.

Now cue to her first, last day of University.

Li Na had woken up earlier than usual to prepare for the special lecture that, she, as well as the rest of the students in her school were required to attend to due the special guest speaker that had been invited.

Usually, special lectures like this were rare, especially ones that involved practically all the kids in the University. So aside from the requirement of attending it, Li Na was somewhat looking forward to it despite its extensive length.

"Finally." Li Na muttered as she grabbed her bag and slowly followed pursuit of the other students exiting the auditorium.

Meanwhile, her two friends ( and roommates ) — Wu Yujie and Lai Nayao — quickly followed behind, trying to keep us with the Guo girl so they could fill her in on the gossip she'd missed.

"I still can't believe he ghosted me!" Yujie exclaimed, talking about the newest update regarding her situationship, "I mean. I thought what he had was special . . . I was even going to introduce him to my parents, you know?"

Li Na, who was still struggling to understand the whole story, turned to her friend in confusion, "But I thought you only knew the guy for a week and a half?"

She had recalled Yujie telling her and Nayao about her dates with some new guy she was interested in, but from what she remembered, it hadn't been that much.

Yujie innocently nodded, "I did."

Upon hearing those words, Li Na and Nayao momentarily paused and exchanged knowing looks with one another, as though they were communicating through their eyes, whilst Yujie simply stared at the two in confusion.

"What? Is that bad?" Yujie asked and Li Na had to bite her lips to refrain from saying anything she knew would only end up unintentionally hurting her friends feelings.

"No." Nayao cut in, noticing Li Nas actions, "But . . . don't you think that's a little sudden?"

It wasn't a question. Both Li Na and Nayao knew that Yujies overbearing actions caused the boy she was seeing to ghost her. But they couldn't exactly tell her that directly without somehow offending her.

"Is it?" Yujie asked, now with a frown making its way on her face, "I thought it was completely normal . . . I mean, I even told him I loved him after our third date."

Li Na widened her eyes at the words she was hearing, whilst Nayao simply shook her head, indicating to her to keep whatever it was that she wanted to say to herself as she knew it wouldn't be anything too nice.

Nayao spoke up again when she saw Li Na was about to open her mouth and say something, "What have we come to? You're struggling to stay in a relationship, and I'm struggling to get out of one." she said reminding the trio of her own, similar yet different struggle.

Yujie nodded, giving the girl a sympathetic look, "I guess it's true when people say we all want what we can't have."

Li Na let out a sigh at both her friends words, not liking the sudden change in atmosphere due to the change in topic, "You know why you two are struggling so much with your relationships?" she asked, now gaining their attention for the first time, "It's because you're thinking too much — men are very simple creatures."  

Yujie scoffed, "Yeah, who only go after looks." she muttered whilst Nayao silently agreed with her words.

Li Na however shook her head at her response, "That's not entirely true, Yujie. It's all about how you present yourself."

With the many relationships Li Na had been in, she could guarantee when she said that aside from looks, the way one treated them in a relationship influenced their overall interest. If one was too overbearing, then most men would quickly lose interest, but sometimes if you were too distant, then that would also make them lose interest.

Though she couldn't say that for all men really, it was a pattern she usually noticed. Of course, the expectations that they had from a women in a relationship was certainly a factor as well, and their actions usually made those expectation evident.

At this, Yujie let out a laugh, "That's easy for you to say. You could barf on a guy and he'd thank you for it."

As flattered as Li Na was by her friends comment, she paid no attention to it and instead focused on getting her point across to her, clearly.

"Trust me when I say this guys, if I did exactly the things that you two did in any relationship, then I would also be struggling."

Nayao, however, shrugged her shoulders, now taking this as her chance to speak up, "Yeah, well I won't believe that until I see it."

Before Li Na had the chance to respond again, loud screams suddenly filled the halls they were currently walking in. If this were any regular person walking in those very halls for the first time, then they would've been confused and even concerned over the sudden noise. But for Li Na and her friends, they didn't even have to look up to know where the source of the noise was directed to.


"Here we go again." Nayao muttered, trying to avoid bumping into the girls running past them.

"It's the same thing, every time." Yujie gritted her teeth, as she glared at the person who'd just shoved past her in a harsh manner without uttering even an apology or looking back.

It had been like this since the moment Li Na had first started attending Mingde. The infamous group, F4, who was popular for their good lucks as well as skills in the game Bridge, would literally be doing anything, and the girls around them would start acting crazy. Li Na had gotten used to the loud noise after the first couple of times, but she hadn't gotten used to the irritation she felt by the whole thing.

"Come on, it's best if we don't get involved. Remember what happened last time?" she asked reminding the three of the time they almost had their hairs ripped out from accidentally walking past and getting in the view of a very excited group of girls.

Nayao and Yujie nodded, following behind Li Na, as she made sure to walk around the huge crowd that had formed and pay no mind to anything other than getting the hell out of there safely. Of course this allowed the Guo girl to be successful, but to also miss the pair of eyes that had momentarily landed on her, for just about a second, before quickly looking away.

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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