23 - Is This What It Feels Like to Really Cry?

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I wake up the next morning with a heavy feeling in my chest

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I wake up the next morning with a heavy feeling in my chest. A bad feeling that weighs me down with every move I make.

I thought admitting and realizing my love for Eros would lift any weight off my shoulders, boy was I wrong because all I could feel was denseness.

I tried to shake off the strange feeling by taking a shower and eating breakfast, hoping that it was just I being hungry or something. But, it wasn't.

It was something else. It was as if I was being weighed down by an uneasy feeling that was restless.

I reach for my phone that's sat beside me on the coffee table.

Surely my best friend could help me out, surely she could tell me a cure to the heavy feeling.

"Ellie, pick up... I'm having a crisis. I felt something tonight, something I've never felt before," I say as the phone rings.

She picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hello, this is Ellie," she says in a chirpy voice.

"El, have you ever been in love?" I ask.

There's a pause before she speaks, "No, I haven't why?"

I don't give a response. Why?

"You love Eros don't you?" she questions, a grin probably wide on her face.

"Yeah, I love him. But, I'm afraid. I have a heavy feeling that he doesn't feel the same. A heavy feeling that nothing good will come if I tell him," I respond slowly.

She gives a sigh before saying, "It's just a feeling, a nervous feeling. Orion, talk to him. Tell him how you feel."

Tell him how I feel, tell him how I feel.

* * *

There's a knock on my front door three hours later because I ended up calling Eros. It only told took me two hours to press his caller ID.

I rush to the front door to open it, not even bothering to look through the peephole to check if it's him.

I open the door to see Eros in a dark grey hoodie and joggers, a smile on his face.

I frown at the sight of the smile.

Something was off, something is off.

The sight of him was alarming; it made the heavy feeling in my chest deepen.

He lets himself in and shuts the front door behind him; I stand still and don't move an inch.

"Are you okay?" he asks me, his eyebrows ruffled.

I shake my head side to side slowly.

I wasn't okay; I was feeling anything but okay.

"I'm scared," I say, a tear trickling down my cheek.

Eros gives me a concerned look. I then act purely on emotions and put my arms just above his waist so that he's close to me. He doesn't reject me and simply puts his arms around me too.

"Scared of what?" he asks quietly.

I don't reply, and just let go him and wipe the single tear from my cheek.

He gives me a raised eyebrow with pure confusion displayed on his face.

Scared that I've realized the magnitude of him and how much I like him. Scared that he was constantly in my mind. Scared that the heavy feeling means something.

Something... Something bad. Something like he was going to disappear on me.

"I've got this feeling that you're fixing to leave me," I say softly, the words falling out of my mouth.

His confusion flushes away, his eyes look down at the ground, away from me.

It's silence that takes over the room; it's deathly silence that confirms my suspicions.

"Your feelings are correct," he whispers.

I back away from him completely.

I say nothing and just stand with a blank stare.

"The council has allowed me to apply for the release of Cupid's position. They say I'm hopeless in the whole finding love department, that once I mentor the next Cupid, which is you, I'm free and can apply to be relinquished of the job. After I get relinquished from the job I plan to move to a whole different country," he says, his eyes not daring to look at mine.

If they did they would surely see the dozens of tears beginning to fall from mine.

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