Chapter 15

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The sun rises behind the Manor. The storm has passed, the grey clouds have lifted. No sign of the terror that raged in the night.

Light spills through the windows, catching the dust that twists and turns like spirits. The attic is filled with fire-damaged furniture. Blackened wood chairs. A half burned painting. A fire melting lamp that sits in the corner.

Alice opens her eyes. She reaches a hand up and touches another big bump on her head. She grimaces in pain, sits up with a groan.

Next to her is the figure she ran into in the dark. A dressed mannequin knocked on its side. This too, blackened by some past fire.

Behind the mannequin is a large painting, just like the one downstairs with Mr and Mrs Heelshire, but in this painting, it's not a doll they were posing with, it's a real boy. He had neatly combed hair that the natural curls rested on his head. His green eyes shon with mischief.

Just beyond the painting a box has been over turned, spilling out its contents across the floor. Various baby and toddler cloths, a pair of small shoes and a photo album.

Alice opens the first page. Various pictures of a baby Brahms, and the Heelshires in much happier spirit.

She turns the page. Brahms as a toddler, holding the doll Brahms. The same one that her and Greta now care for.

Alice looks through more pictures. Brahms with wet curly hair smiling at the camera. Pictures of brahms opening presents. Brahms showing a missing tooth. A normal picture, had been ripped in half showing brahms holding hands with someone smiling. A real smile.

Alice turns another page. Brahms as a young boy. Maybe eight or nine. The smile is gone. A pale, unhappy boy stares at the camera. In most pictures he holds the doll in front of his face.

Alice turns the page again. Only one picture. The only one with out the doll. A little girl, looks unhappy at the camera while Brahms stares at her. The little girl has blond hair. Freckles. Could easily pass as Greta daughter or maybe a picture of greta as a little girl, only if they had the same hair colour.

Alice screams when the door opens. She puts the photo album back and peers down the steps. She puts her foot on the top rung and then quickly pulls it back up.

'Now you're scared?' Alice tells herself.

Alice thinks of something, moves through the attic. Picks up a broken chair leg. Adjusts the towel that she is wearing.

'I'm coming down! I'm warning you, I'm armed!' she shouts.

She summons her courage. She slowly comes down from the attic. She looks down the hallway and sees no one. She goes into her bedroom, and there waiting for her are all her cloths.

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