Chapter 10

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Alice stirs then opens her eyes. She looks around quickly, remembering that she was at Heelshire Manor.

Alice let's her head fall back onto the many pillows, ready to go back to sleep, when she hears something that makes her sit back up.

A child crying.

Big painful sobs that are just barely audible above the heavy rain outside.

Alice moans, rubbing her hands over her face with frustration. She grabs her covers, and throws them of her body.

Swinging her body around, her bare feet make a loud thud as her feet hit the wooden floor boards.

She winces, then walks softly across the bedroom, then unlocks the lock on her door. Her hand touches the copper handle, it's cold on her warm skin.

Twisting the handle, it screeches loudly, making her hold her breath. The crying continues. The door opens silently.

Alice steps out into the hallway and pauses-listening. More crying, it was even houder. The heavy sobs bounce of the walls towards her.

She follows the heavy sobs, that are leading to the second floor. Tip-toeing down the stairs, she pauses.

In front of her is the family portrait.

The crying stops.

Alice looks around. The house is completely still and silent, only sound was the rain coming from outside.

She studies the painting of the Heelshire family. Something seems different.

The rip is missing and Brahms has very dark curly hair, with no smile at all. He looks almost life-like now. There's colour in his skin, making him look more tan and his eyes were now green. She waited, his eyes look as though they might blink any second.

Alice can't help but reach out towards the painting, towards Brahms life-like face.

The sound of the heavy rain becomes a laugh, until its almost deafening. She was about to touch brahms face when...


Brahms reaches out of the painting. Grabs Alice. His eyes go a shade of dark green. His tan skin goes white as porcelain.

Alice screams. Tries to jerk away, but Brahms hangs on, pulling her into the painting.

'Help me.' A child-like voice says.

Brahms looks over his shoulder. Alice eyes widen with fear. At the far corner of the painting, a small child with neatly combed hair, pail skin and a small smile comes out from under the corner frame of the portrait. Those dark eyes staring.


Then who's this?

Another set of child-like arms grab Alice by the throat tightly. She goes in the painting. Her skin goes porcelain white. Her eyes go black.

'Welcome home, Alice.' they say in union.

Alice screams as four pair of hands surround her.

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