Chapter 27

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Greta didn't tell Cole where Alice's body was.

It was nine in the at night and Greta and Cole were sitting at the dining table. Greta tossed Brahms in the chair roughly. She was showing her true colours. They didn't hear someone walk in.

"I let myself in." Malcolms voice floats through the room.

Malcolm stands in the doorway. Greta shoots him a fake panicked look.

"Cole, this is Malcolm. He brings us our groceries out here."

Cole stands up, towering over Malcolm and offers his hand. Malcolm shakes it.

"So what do you think off all this doll stuff?" Cole asks.

Malcolm looks at Greta, not sure what to say. Greta shakes her head behind Coles back.

"I try not to get involved in other people's affairs."

Cole laugh. "Smart man."

Malcolm turns to Greta. "I have that delivery if you want to go over the inventory list?"

Greta nods her head. "Yeah. Of course."

They both quickly walk into the kitchen, leaving Cole in the dining room. Malcolm tries to whisper but it comes out loud.

"What in the..."

Greta puts her fingers to his lips.

"Shhh!" She whispers, playing her little game. She puts a scared act on.

"He just showed up... He wants me to go home with him... He wants to hurt me... He's done something to Alice." she lies easily.

"What do you mean?"

"I was in the yard cleaning the traps... Alice was doing her morning lesson with Brahms... Cole was here on the porch... I haven't seen Alice since." The lie just fell out her mouth. Her eyes quickly flicker to the basement door where Alice body is.

Malcolm heads towards the dining room.

" I think I should have a little talk with him."

Greta grabs him." Don't. Please. You'll only make it worse... "

"If you think I'm letting him..."

Greta cuts him off. "You don't know him, Malcolm. You don't know what he'll do. When he gets angry... He'll hurt you." she lies.

"I'm not afraid off him."

"He will hurt me."

Malcolm stops. He was an easy puppet, she was pulling the strings. Greta wanted to laugh and dance.

"I know what I'm doing. You have to trust me." She tells him.

Malcolm thinks it over. "I can't leave you here with him. What if he..."

"He won't. He's going to be on his best behaviour from now. And I have Brahms here."

Greta speaks loud and clear enough for Cole to hear in the dining room.

"Looks good. Thanks, Malcolm." then she whispers to Malcolm. "If you want to help come back tomorrow. There's nothing you can do tonight."

Greta walks back in, followed by Malcolm. Malcolm has a big friendly grin on his face.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." Malcolm says to Cole.

Cole smiles. "You too."

Malcolm leaves. Cole starts to eat, he waits till he hears the door close.

"Should I be worried?" Cole asks.

"About Malcolm?" Greta plays dumb.

Cole shakes his head. "Whatever game your playing at."

"I'm not playing a game." Greta spits.

Cole looks at Greta in the eyes. "Go and pack your shit. We're leaving in the morning." he says seriously.

Greta walks up the stairs and walks into her bedroom. She closes her bedroom door. She goes to the wall she shares with Brahms bedroom.

Barely above a whisper. "I need your help. He's going to take me away, Brahms. I need you, please... I love you." she lies, she wanted to be sick as those words fell from her lips.


It was dark, silent night. Then there was a sound. Careful steps walk on the wooden floor.



The footsteps move through the hallway. They moved passed Greta closed bedroom door, down the stairs and into the living room.

A drop of blood falls onto Coles face. Another drop. And another drop. Cole stirs, wipes it with his hands, smearing it. He wakes up. Rumbling from downstairs.

"Greta! Greta!"

Greta wakes up. She runs downstairs and into the living room. Cole doesn't notice her first, he's scrubbing his face with his t-shirt. Finally he turns and sees her, his face is smeared with blood.

"What happened!" She asks.

"Get in here!" Cole shouts.

Greta steps into the room. Cole grabs her arm and drags her to the wall.

"Leave." is written in blood. Below it are two dead rats lying in a small pool of blood.

"What is this?" he asks.

"I didn't."

"Don't pull this shit with me, Greta."

"It wasn't me..." she pauses, she looks at Brahms. ".... Brahms!"

Cole laughs. "The doll? The doll write this?"

Greta doesn't say anything. She plays the scared girl. She has Brahms where she wants him. Greta backs away.

"Hand him over." Cole demands.

"No. Please..." Greta fake cries.

"Don't play around with me, I know your games."

Greta pretends to care for Brahms. "I did it. You were right." She needed Cole angry so brahms can protect her, then she can run.

Cole lunges at Greta, grabs her. The two struggle, but Greta hits Cole in the head with a glass. Cole pushes Greta back, he rips the doll out of her arms.

"No!" Greta screams.

In a flash Greta is on her feet. She lunges at Cole who holds her back with one hand. He lifts the doll over his head with the other. He's about to smash the doll on the floor when Malcolm runs into the room.

"Stop! Get your things. Get out." Malcolm screams.

Cole pulls away from Greta, he still holding the doll.

"Everyone seems to be in a big hurry for me to leave. Maybe you're the one that left me this little message. Or are you going to say it was the doll too?"

Malcolm doesn't answer. Cole does something. He slams Brahms down, head first, into the floor.

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