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Trina's P.O.V

I regained my consciousness in a vehicle and started struggling, but was hit with something very hard that I couldn't see as I was blindfolded, making me loose my consciousness once again. The next thing I know, I found myself in a room, all alone. At first, I was confused but then it dawned on me that I had been kidnapped , then I went from confused to scared of not knowing what would happen next.

Will they kill me?

Torture me and leave me to die slowly, or worse

Rape me?!!!

Panic began to rise in me and although I felt like crying, I didn't.

No one has touched you yet and you wanna cry, what will you do when they actually come for you?. A voice in my head speaks (I'm not the only one that has both an optimistic and pessimistic voice in my head, am I?)

But then I braced myself, ready for anything that comes up but then was I really ready?

A soft knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts and to say I was scared of what awaits me on the other side of the door would be an understatement, I was terrified but I opened the door anyway, and was greeted with the lovely aroma of food.

"Hi Miss, the boss ordered me to make you this". She said with a little smile but my heart was still thumping hard with my mind conjuring different scenarios about how the poison in the food will stop the thumping of my heart forever and also what happens if it stops forever, it would mean that I would never see him again and that I can't take, so I didn't eat but the growls fro my stomach made me five up after some hours.

Today is the third day I've spent in this room just eating and sleeping,yes I didn't die it wasn't poisoned
I demand to know what's going on.

Who kidnaps someone and feeds them rotten?

You got the answer right, 'nobody'. I'm confused.

So I yelled in the room knowing that there's definitely a camera hidden somewhere. I need answers.

"Are you gonna do say anything or better still let me go. You're just feeding me rotten, what kind of kidnapper are you?". I said but immediately regretted my words .

You fool, are you asking him to torture you?.

"No!" I said a little too loud but then continued. "I was just trying to get you to say something or show yourself, I'm sick of not knowing anything, where I am, who my kidnapper is, how long I'll be here, if I'm gonna leave here alive...". I was interrupted by a knock, getting ready to scream to the meal lady to stop feeding me, I receive the shock of my life.

"You, y-you're the one who kidnapped me". I went from shocked to angry. The CEO of crain industries is standing right in front of me. Is he a Rainer? But he said he was Lawrence's friend so...

Oh, Lawrence also said something like being friends with a Vincent Rainer.

"Are you Vincent Rainer?". I asked, looking back at him and he nodded.

"I have been watching you and decided to show my face since a pretty little lady demanded it". He said with a smirk and I've never felt a stronger urge to punch someone in the face.
"You're really pretty when you're not in office clothes, those ones look sexy on you baby". He whispers, his smirk growing Wilder.

Eeeww, does he think he's actually seducing me because I'm disgusted right now.

"Stop whispering, it's disgusting". I said looking at him straight in the eyes. If Lawrence told me that, I'd have blushed hard but it's disgusting and annoying coming from him (Vincent)

"See, that's what I like about you. One minute you're calm and the next you're fiesty. I love spontaneous women". He licked his lips and bent down to to my eye level and if I didn't know him I'd say he is attracted to me.
This man has so many facial expressions at his command.

"So let's get to the main point, why have you been feeding me all this while?". I asked, really wanting to know the answer to that.

"I just want to get you used to this place, because you'll be marrying me soon enough and after that I'll dispose of you like I did Diana". He smiled, although I'd prefer him cackling.

"You'll never get what you want wannabe". I said knowing that will rile him up but I don't care cause I'm also riled up

"What did you just call me?". He asked, his facial expression now matching his intentions.

"A wannabe, you're always trying to be Lawrence . You want what he has and go to every length to get what he wants. You're pathetic". I glares straight at him expecting a harsh response but he just smiled and flicked my forehead lightly.

What was that for?

"You know Diana was really obedient and very scared of me but you, you're not, and you don't know what I'm capable of. You should be afraid of me". He smirked, putting hand in his pocket and doing a 360° walk around me.

"You still wouldn't get an award or money prize if I was scared of you, so it shouldn't matter, anyways bear in mind that I will NEVER MARRY YOU, over my dead body". I say and turn to walk back into my room but a firm grip on my hand stopped me.

"I will not be disrespected by you. Never walk out on me again". He said, slamming me on the door.

"You also, never disrespect me like this again and there will not be a next time, because Lawrence will come". I said pushing him off me and walking into my room shutting the door.

"It's tomorrow by the way, let's see how arrogant you are when I'm finished with you". He said, then I heard his footsteps fade away.

He can't be serious, no one arranges marriage that soon. It can't be possible. I pondered for a while and then broke into tears. What if it's too late when he comes? Will he ever come for me?.

I lay in bed crying till I fell asleep. The next morning, a loud sound, more like gunshot alarmed me and and I stood up to get dressed in case of anything.

Anything could happen, is what I learnt. You should too Nothing's promised.
After about 20 minutes, I heard footsteps towards my door and a held the lamp in my hands and stood by the door ready to defend myself if need be.

Standing in front of me was him but then Vincent came behind him and the happiness and relief I felt vanished as I knew exactly what was to happen, then he pulled the trigger...

Hi guys, I hope y'all are good. Please  stay safe.

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~It's 12:48am here by the way.

~THANK YOU FOR 9,000 READS I love you all.

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