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Trina's P. O.V

After telling Lawrence everything yesterday, he repeatedly made it clear that I should never keep things from him as what we're dealing with is more dangerous than I think.

Of course I know it's dangerous, I was literally in a horror movie some hours back

That incident made me wake up though, now I'm determined to know exactly who's behind this.

"Are you there?". I heard a voice while a hand was waving at my face. With my eyes back in focus, it's Lawrence's brother.

"Hi, what's up?". I ask to ease the awkward feeling I got, probably because he's never spoken to me without Lawrence's presence.

"I've been calling out your name for a few times now, you good?". He asked crouching a bit and I nodded and involuntarily put some distance between us.

"Yeah, I'm okay... was just lost in thought". I reply, looking at him expectantly cause I was expecting a conversation and also curious to know why he was calling me.

"Uh, I heard about what happened yesterday, please be careful. We don't want my brother loosing his s**t again". He whispered the last part in my ears and stood tall again.
"It's actually a shock how he knew where to go. Your room is the farthest on this wing, and not to talk of him entering your closet, I would've been terrified. I hope you're okay". He finished, and looked back at me smiling anf lastly said
"You can come to me if anything happens, okay?"

I was a bit stunned due to how different he's being today

Y'all know he never talks until asked a question or spoken to

Anyways, I reply with a silent
While he was walking away, a thought came to me.

How did he know exactly what happened, and where the masked man went.

That's suspicious, that's weird (in Cardi B's voice)

I'll just ask Lawrence if he told him and to what extent he did.

Going down the stairs, I see a shadow protruding from the wall beside the artwork from the little curve of the walls.
I ignore it cause I noticed the hairdo and it's Lawrence's mother's tight bun. No one in this house wears a bun that proper.

Crossing my fingers in hopes that she wouldn't talk, more like frustrate me today. I continue walking down the stairs, when she cleared her throat, saying...

"You should've just died yesterday, then at least after mourning for a few days, my son would move on and marry someone worthy". She spat at me, every single word dripping with hatred. This made me wonder what exactly I may have done to her.

"With all due respect, I will not bicker with you. Please excuse me". I replied, although what I wanted to do was curse her out. Good thing my mom tested my patience several times (she was black by the way)

"Im bickering? How dare you?". She exclaims and starts to approach me with fire in her eyes.

I swear I could literally see the fire

I think she's gonna hit me, but I can't hit her back ugh. She's his mother.

Preparing myself for the impact of either her fist or palm, I close my eyes tightly shut, and I felt the impact alright.

My cheeks were actually on fire, I knew she hated me but didn't think she would hit me that hard or even have that kind of force within her.

I turned back and saw Lawrence standing there
He's really my night I'm shining armor

"What are you doing?". He asked with a low voice and anyone that doesn't know him would think he was very calm about it, but I know that tone.

"She's disrespectful. I only wanted to scold her". She replied, still with full arrogance although I could see her feet tapping on the floor.

"You've never hit even our maids before, so why would you hit Trina to scold her?". He asked again and a warm tone but a growl made it's way out at the end of the sentence.
Without waiting for her to answer, he continued...
"Mom, I have begged you to accept her as the woman that I love but you've refused and chose to treat her badly. Don't think I haven't noticed, I have...was just waiting for you to stop but I don't think you'll ever stop this, so let me say this straight... NO ONE IN THIS FAMILY WILL LAY A FINGER ON TRINA EVER AGAIN OR ELSE, THEY'LL FACE ME". He growled out and grabbed my hands, taking him me with him down the stairs.


"I'm sorry, you had to shout at your mom because of me". I said, actually feeling bad about the whole thing when a minute ago, I could swear I wanted to hit her.

"It had to be done. As much as I'm her son, I'm also her boss and she has to pay a certain amount of respect to me". He replies with a blank face and I just let it go.

I took my phone and started scrolling through Instagram when a cold sensation hit my face and I hissed, backing away from the direction of the cold but he pulled me back as he was holding an ice cube wrapped in cloth on my face.
I tried grabbing it to do it myself but he insisted.

"Please let me. I haven't even spent any time with you recently. I'm sorry". He said paying attention to that one part of my face, when I wanted his eyes to look into mine.

Those little words really let out butterflies in my stomach.

So I grabbed his face to face me, he did and I leaned forward to kiss him.
The kiss started slow and sensual but went really hot and passionate not more than a second later.

My lips on his, his heavy breaths and growls in between encouraging me to do more and I lightly bit his lips earning a panty wetting groan and he takes over the kiss, towering above me in the chair, his hand on the sides of my face and kissing me senseless.

After our make out session, I remember I wanted to ask about how his brother knew everything that happened yesterday.

"Um, can I ask you something?". I asked looking and playing with my fingers (I'm a bit nervous), before looking him in the eyes.

"Of course, what do you want to know?". He replies with a smile, that also made me smile and the nervousness rolled off my back

"Did you tell your brother about what happed yesterday?".

Hi everyone, that I you so much for reading and following this book.
✨ if you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know in the comments.

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Y'all are my only motivation to write.❤️

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