What A Surprise

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***Lia's POV***

"Thank you Doctor." I said, half smiling, half wincing toward Dr. Carter who had just finished bandaging up my arm.

"Of course Alpha. Now, I'm going to put your arm into this sling for the night. I don't want you to accidentally worsen it throughout the night. Though, with a good night's sleep you should be all healed up by tomorrow." She said as she finished adjusting the sling. "You're really very lucky Alpha. Just a few inches to the left and you might not have made it."

"I know, but I couldn't let that hunter do what he was about to." I replied, wondering how Dakota was doing. I really hoped the shock of the attack didn't get to her too much. I wonder where Al ended up having her sleep. Probably at her place so she could play with Silvy all night.

"Alright Alpha, as much as I love our late night visits, it's two in the morning and I would like a bit of sleep." Dr. Carter stated as she packed up her equipment and readied herself to leave the room.

"Yes, I believe you are right Doctor. Sleep would be really nice." I got up and gave Frankie a nod for them to follow me out. Before I left I gave Dr. Carter a one armed hug saying, "Thank you again for all your excellent work. I don't know where the pack would be without your expertise."

"Up a creek Alpha. You all would be up a creek, without a paddle the way you all train." She laughed and held the door open for Frankie and I.

As we made our way back to our homes I asked, "Frankie, where did Al end up taking Dakota?" I was really hoping to stop by and check on her if she was all alone.

"Don't worry Chief, Al said she was fast asleep in one of the rooms at the pack house. Though, we told her it was a recreation center. We weren't quite sure how she would react if we called it the 'Main Pack House'." They smiled.

"Clever." I replied. "Well, listen Frankie." I stopped for a moment and turned to them. "I wanted to thank you, I'll do the same with Al tomorrow, but it means a lot to me that you two were able to come to my aid. I was pretty scared there for a moment." I said, looking into their eyes as I tried to get across my sincerity.

"Chief, as one of your Beta's you know it's my duty." They replied quickly, then took a moment and looked down. "Though, you do know we would really be lost without you. You're more than our Alpha, especially for me and Al. You're our... well, you're our closest friend. We'd never let anything happen to you."

"I know." I said simply and wrapped them in a strong one-armed hug. They hugged back, a little too hard for comfort and I winced.

"Oops! Sorry Chief!" They said as they backed up a bit.

"It's alright Frankie." I smiled, laughing a bit at their overreaction. "It's not that bad. Why don't you get home to Al. I'm sure she misses you."

They nodded in reply and said, "Will do Chief. Good night!" With a wink in my direction, they turned and walked off toward the Warrior's house.

As I walked up the porch steps I was relieved to see most of the lights were out on the upper floors. Most of the pack should be back in their houses now, I thought as I made my way through the entry room and up the stairs.

What a crazy day it had been, first finding out my mate knows nothing about her lycanthropy, then bizarrely aggravating reading, then a hunter shows up and tries to mess with my mate. I let out a sigh as I got into the elevator. I just need a good night's sleep and I'll start figuring everything out with a clearer head tomorrow morning.

As thoughts of the day's events occupied my mind, I stretched my good arm out and over my head, wishing I could do the same with my left, and yawned. As the elevator doors opened, I stepped into my room, eager to get into bed. I didn't bother turning on the lights since the night was pretty bright and werewolves have excellent night vision.

I walked over to the bed and let myself fall into it, thankful to be wrapped up in its softness. It felt good to finally be able to relax. I closed my eyes and took in a nice deep breath, readying myself for sleep, as I did so, my nostrils filled with the scent of potential rain mixed with fallen leaves and... oh my god... cat?! Al, you are so dead.

Just then, as I became increasingly aware of someone sleeping right next to me, they turned over and wrapped their arm around me, gently nuzzling my injured arm with their head. Oh shit, no please don't-- I clenched my jaw and tried not to let a sound out, but a small squeak got out as I winced. Her head was right on the spot that had been bandaged up.

What am I supposed to do now? I thought to myself as I laid there, completely frozen. It felt so nice to be held by her as she slept, save for her face digging into that sore spot. Yet, what would happen if she woke up to me just laying in bed with her. Ugh, Al, WHY? As I laid there, trying to figure out how I was going to handle this situation I looked up to the sky lights, on the way my eyes caught a flash of green which immediately caught my attention.

There, on the walkway, was Silvy staring daggers at me. I got a weird vibe that she didn't like her owner being so unaware of my presence. It also seemed she certainly wanted me to make things right. A chill went down my spine as she made her way closer to me. Oh my gosh, this cat is freaky. She stalked her way down the stairs, walking toward me as if getting ready to pounce. As she approached the bed, she crouched down low, her eyes focused on mine. Silvy jumped onto my chest and stared at me, is she sizing me up?

She looked to Dakota, then back to me, and she got up and hopped to the other side of Dakota. In response, she rolled over, removing her arm from around me. My heart sank as she embraced Silvy instead. However, Silvy looked at me with her dagger eyes and I knew she had given me a way to excuse myself from the bed so as not to startle her owner.

I got up as slowly as possible and made my way to the small screen in the nightstand. I pressed the button for a chaise lounging chair which would sit on the opposite side of the room. Normally I used it to when I wanted a relaxing spot to read, but it would do as a bed for tonight. I walked back to the bed and grabbed a pillow which wasn't touching Dakota and then took my place on the chaise chair.

How am I going to deal with this now? I thought, but my need for sleep was too great and I soon gave into it. 

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