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Third Person POV:

"What did you need from me?" Draco asked Pansy. She had pulled him out of the common room, saying she needed to tell him something.

"Oh I was just wondering if we-" She stopped mid- sentence, looking behind him.

"What?" He tried to turn around to see who she was looking at, but Pansy stopped him, bringing his face down to hers and joining their lips.

Draco's eyes widened as he quickly pushed her away, with a look of disgust on his face.

"What was that for?" He wiped his lips making sure any reminder of her lips being on his was gone.

She just smirked.

"I think the golden boy likes you."

Draco instantly turned around to see Harry standing there with his mouth somewhat open, his bottom lip quivering slightly before he turned around and ran away.

"Why'd you do that Pansy? If you think I'd ever go for you, you need to get checked by Madam Pomfrey." He insulted her, before going in the same direction Harry went.

He spotted Harry turning into a corridor and was about to call his name when he heard a different voice beat him to it.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Hermione was just coming back from the library when she saw a conflicted Harry coming towards her.

"I'm so stupid Hermione, I'm so stupid." Harry ran his hands through his hair, the tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

"No you're not, what happened? What's going on?"

"I like him. I bloody like him.. and while I'm here losing my mind over him, he's off snogging another girl."

"Him?" Hermione paused. 

She had suspected Harry was having a fling with someone after finding out the 'bruises' on his neck were hickies, but she didn't know he was bisexual.

"Who is he?" She continued.

"Promise me you won't get mad." He looked Hermione straight in her chocolate coloured eyes.

"I promise."

"Dra- Malfoy." His eyes shifted to the ground.

"Oh." She looked down, thinking hard.

"Now I think about it, I should've noticed it sooner. How you'd always look at the Slytherin table and how you'd somehow manage to be in the same place as Malfoy. Wait, I'm rambling. Explain fully what that punk did." 

The rage came back in her eyes, as she thought of different ways to hex him without the evidence going back to her. 

"As much as you'd love to, don't hex him. It's more of my fault really. I thought... I don't know, I just thought we had something I guess. I sound stupid sorry." 

"This is not your fault Harry. At all. He led you on... but are you sure you got the full story? In no way am I supporting him, but how much did you see?"

"I don't really want to think about it again but it was him and Parkinson. They kissed, then he turned and saw me. He didn't even bother coming after me to explain." He chewed his lip harshly at the thought of Draco and Pansy kissing.

"Did he kiss her?" 

"I don't know. I can't remember."

"Well how about we start from the beginning." Hermione suggested.

"The beginning?" Harry looked back up at her, his brows furrowing.

"Yeah, let's go to the common room, I don't think there's many people in there- even if there is, I can use the Muffliato charm and you tell me the start of this 'friendship'." She used air quotes, linking her arm with Harry and heading towards their common room.

Meanwhile, Draco had been listening to everything that had been said. A weight lay upon his shoulders as he realised how Harry felt about him. 

And the scariest part was that he felt the same.

Harry POV:

"So you asked him to teach you how to... kiss?" This was the third time I had explained to her the situation, and all she was talking about was how I dumbly asked Draco to help me. I groaned, hiding my face in my hands. 

She wasn't helping.

"Yes Hermione, I did, but I definitely regret that now." I mumbled.

"Only now?"

"Merlin Hermione, why does it matter when?" I snapped making her wince. Seeing her reaction, I instantly calmed down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be taking this out on you when you're just trying to help." I apologised. "I'm just.. I don't know, mad.... Mad at him, but more at myself for being so naive. I can't believe I trusted him." 

"You really like him don't you?" Her eyes were soft, checking for my reaction.

"Yeah." I whispered, tilting my head to look up at the ceiling to stop any tears from running out.

"Talk to him tomorrow, I know you're mad at him, but at least get some closure. If he has a valid reason that makes sense, you can just slowly rebuild your relationship but if not, it's for the better." She advised, getting up from the couch to give me a hug.

"And remember, it's okay to cry."

At that, I couldn't help it as the tears came rushing down my cheeks like waterfalls. I hugged her back tightly, never wanting to let go.

A/N: this was a short chapter but i added more so ha. still kinda shorter than usual but whatever lol . its quite dramatic but just enjoy it. n e gays this is probably near the end. cool 'writer' tingz. :0

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