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Third Person POV:

Harry kept pacing back and forth in the library. He knew the bet wasn't that serious, but he really wanted to beat the Slytherin boy.

"Harry if this is about the match today, why are you so nervous?" Hermione finally asked, Harry was making her nervous and she wasn't even in the game.

"No... Well... But not really." He stuttered, trying to find the right words.

"Yeah it is. I just want to make sure we win, you know?" He half lied. 

Hermione's eyes softened as she gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Hey look at me." Hermione got up, putting her hands on Harry's shoulder to keep him in place.

"You're one of the best seekers Griffyndor's ever had. You're going to win that Golden Snitch and the whole team's going to do as amazing as they always do. If you're worried about Malfoy, he's got nothing on you, just stay focused on the game, okay?" 

Harry broke into a huge grin, this is why he was best friends with Hermione.

"Yup, thank you for that." He agreed. 

Hermione gave him a huge smile back, sitting back down and going back to do her homework.

"I'm gonna go outside, get some fresh air, might see if I can find Ron." Harry announced.

Hermione had tried to convince Ron to come to the library and she nearly did, but he left after two minutes, saying 'the vibes were off'.

Hermione just nodded, waving goodbye.

As soon as he left the library, he let out a deep sigh he had been holding back.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the star seeker."

Bloody hell. 

He just couldn't get a break.

"And hello to you too Parkinson." Harry put on the fakest smile he could, turning to face her.

"I've heard you and Draco have become best buddies, is the Chosen one in love with Draco? " Sarcasm dripped from her voice as she sneered at Harry.

"He tutors me, that's it." Harry replied, dropping the fake smile.

Pansy opened her mouth to speak again but Harry quickly swooped in, interrupting her.

"Well nice chat Parkinson. I've got to go, tell your boyfriend I said hi."Harry quickly walked the other way, leaving a very angry Pansy standing in her spot.

Harry looked behind him, making sure Pansy wasn't following him as he made his way outside.

"Hey watch where you- Oh it's you Potter." Harry had once again bumped into someone.

It was Draco.

"For goodness sake, can't I catch a break?" Harry groaned, not even bothering to say hi to Draco, but instead heading straight outside to see Ron with Neville.

"Hey Harry." Ron called out, waving him over.

Harry's lips lifted upwards straight away, his mood already improving at seeing his friends. He joined in on their conversation.

Draco was confused at first- why Harry had seemed so moody but as he watched, he saw Harry's mood change when he saw his friends. He hadn't seen Harry's smile of course, since he could only see Harry's back, but just by his body language, he could tell Harry was happier.

"Just saw your boyfriend." Pansy came from behind him.

"My boyfriend?" Draco's brows furrowed together as he turned around to face her, he didn't have a boyfriend?

"Potter you idiot. Stop thinking so hard,you look like your brain's gonna explode."

"And you call yourself smart." She muttered, but loud enough so Draco could hear.

"He's not my boyfriend idiot."  He emphasised the 'idiot' part, scowling at her.

"Whatever you say Malfoy. " With that, she dramatically strutted away, half hoping that Draco would follow after her but she knew deep down he wouldn't. 

He didn't care about her as much as she wished.

Draco watched her leave before deciding he'd visit the library. Maybe it'd be more quiet there. As soon as he entered, he saw Hermione there with her nose in her books.


She looked up, sensing someone's gaze, making eye contact with Draco. Immediately she gave him a death glare, as she hoped he wouldn't come over.

But it was too much of a hope.

"Well, well, well, If it isn't little miss perfect." Draco couldn't resist mocking her, her reactions were almost as good as Harry's.


"Go away Malfoy. Don't you have someone else to annoy?" She glowered at him.

"Hmm... let me think." He paused, pretending to think.

"No actually thanks for asking... but wait. What about Potter? How could I forget?" Draco smirked at the worried look in her eyes as he mentioned Harry.

He wasn't actually going to bother Harry, he just wanted to rile Hermione up, and it was working.

"Leave Harry alone. He doesn't need your insults, he's already stresse-" She stopped mid- sentence, but Draco knew what she was going to say.

Harry was stressed. 

Draco didn't know everything that was stressing him out, but he knew the bet had something to do with it. It wasn't that serious though, did Harry really think that if he lost, that would make Slytherins the 'superior' house?

There was something else Harry was worried about.

Draco walked out of the library, leaving a confused Hermione who watched him leave.

Draco would ask him what was wrong after the game, hopefully no hard feelings between them, especially with whoever won. He walked back to his common room, going to get ready for the game against Gryffindors, his mind filled with thoughts of Harry.

A/N: now i have to find a problem for Harry lmao. Enjoy reading anyways. Another filler? idk

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