Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


"Miss Luna, this is where you'll be sleeping for now." I followed a woman that looked like some type of servant/maid into a big huge bedroom.

"Thanks, you can call me Abigail by the way." I stood there awkwardly, my knees locked inwards and my feet all stumbled up. After my arrival I saw the Alpha King for about 3 minutes until he decided to send me away with a maid.
I don't know where I am, how to navigate the castle, and Isaac, the only man who seemed to give me some sort of explanation is gone.

The maid walked away and I found all my bags at the foot of the bed. It was a big bedroom with a walk in closet and a beautiful attached bathroom. I knew staying here wouldn't be horrible because of luxury, but I didn't want luxury. I wanted my mom.

I sighed, holding the tears back. There was no time to cry now. Isaac had been driving me all throughout the night. I just wish it had been 10 hours earlier and I could be able to not make the choice to howl. I wish I waited for Andrew to come after Dahlia howled. So stupid of me.
I was so close to being able to run away. So close.

Now I'm trapped more than I have ever been before.
And the only thing the Alpha King or anyone here can give me is luxury to cover it up.
I didn't want that.

I didn't want any of this.

But I didn't have a choice. The Alpha King will always be able to find me now that he has my scent.
And the only thing I can bare is an empty heart.
I would be foolish to let anyone in ever again.

The alpha king is foolish if he thinks he will get to call me his mate. If he thinks he will get to truly earn my trust and love he is wrong.
I will never love a monster.
If I am here for the rest of my life than so be it. As long as mom is safe.
The alpha king is foolish if he thinks I will ever think of this castle as home.
Built on the ashes of the old castle and village he destroyed. At least that's what Isaac told me.

I sat down on the bed. It was comfier than any other bed I've ever felt. But it wasn't mine. It wasn't home.
It didn't smell like home.
It didn't feel like home.
It wasn't home.

I didn't know where to go or what to do - If there even was anywhere for me to go or do.
There was nothing. My mind was blank. Frozen. Still. Quiet. My thoughts kept rumbling in my head but none of it made sense.
I felt lost and trapped, scared and confused.

My mind was racing and my chest was clenched with the same anxiety that I've been feeling for the past 12 hours.
My knees and hands started to shake and I looked in the mirror ahead of me.
My face was pale and my blue eyes were still bright, but my face looked tired and run down. I felt like I couldn't breathe, staring at a creature in the mirror I couldn't recognize myself for a second. It scared me.
My whole entire world was flipped upside down in the matter of hours, and I have had no break. No one to talk to.

I started to cry when I realized it was always going to be this way for now on. Alone.
I tried to count to ten but I still felt like I wasn't getting enough air.
My mind was dizzy and my body was weak for the moment. It was hard to move.
My stomach was in knots, and tears were still full in my eyes.

I won't let anxiety win.

"Okay Abigail." I whispered to myself.

Breathe in four seconds, hold four seconds, breathe out four seconds, hold four seconds, repeat.

I slowed my heart rate down to the best of my ability and tried to suppress all of it down. There was no use crying. I would have lots of time for that.
I unzipped my bags and slowly started unpacking. Placing things in my drawers and closet. I didn't have too much with me, but I had my favorite velvet scrunchies and sweatpants to keep me feeling like I wasn't completely a ghost.

I heard noises echoing through the halls of the castle. People walking around, I'm grateful my room isn't near the meeting halls, that would be so loud.

The sun started to glow as the day started to roll forward, but I hadn't slept yet.
Letting my eyes finally drop close, I let myself get the rest I had needed all night.

Alpha King Adrian Regan

I knew she didn't like me already. Although I wasn't surprised.
She was human.
Of course she hates me.
She doesn't trust one person around her and probably never has.

I chuckled thinking,
At least that was the only thing that wasn't my fault.

The world is a cruel, magic-less place because of me. It's dirty. But after the council took over, when I went into hiding for the past 400 years, they seemed to have switched a lot up.
The council took the humans over 200 years ago. Forced them to live with the packs, and to provide for the packs.

I always believed humans were not to be tampered with.
Humans have unimaginable power when their minds are put to the test. Where werewolves know survival, humans find evolution. Their limits are as far as their minds can reach.

But the power of the human mind can also hold great destruction.
Such as my father, and myself.

I don't want to tamper with Abigail.

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