Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


I couldn't be his mate.
I didn't want to be his mate, the mate of a ruthless Alpha King?
The werewolves must be scared of him for some reason.

But I hated him already.
It was his law that stole my freedom.
And his laws that enforce discrimination.
And now it was his law forcing me to stay with him.

How could I fight back the lawmaker himself? The king himself. I couldn't.

"What are you thinking?" He said so quietly, as if he thought I'd break.
That already happened a long time ago.

"I don't want to go with you." I said looking at the ground.

"Now, Abagail, you're my mate. You must come with me." He said as if trying to reason with himself more than me. He sounded so gentle and I hated that I liked it.

"Please no, don't make me." I said looking up, my lip quivering.
All my dreams were getting washed down the drain.
Neutral land was so close, and now it slipped from my fingers. The idea of a normal life has vanished.

"Abagail-" He said softly, but I couldn't take it.

"No." I said once more. My eyes were starting to water. Don't cry Abagail. Not now.

"Let's go find your mother. I'd love to meet her." He said trying to change the subject now. Only, I didn't want my mother to meet the Alpha King. I wanted her far away from him, and safe.
But I had to comply. There is no telling what he could do to me.
I had to be careful.

"Okay." I replied, with my head hung low.
"Don't force her into this mess too."

I could almost hear a wince from beside me. As if I hurt him.

I still wasn't sure where I was, so I told him the address and walked behind him slowly.
I tried not to let out any cries, or to make a sound.
Every once in a while, I would hear his soft breathing, or a short intake of breath.

It made me feel asphyxiated, as if I had no room from the world around me. Not even the thought of how much space the vast universe held could keep me from feeling claustrophobic.
He made me feel as if someone was pressing down on my chest, so I couldn't breathe.

"I don't really like you walking behind me. It makes me worried." He said softly. His speech was informal, something I was not expecting from a man like him.

"I don't know." I murmured behind him.

He stopped for a second and waiting until I was walking next to him, he slowed his pace down to match mine as well.

"My men from the castle are coming as well to help you pack up your things my Abagail." He said softly with a smile on his face.

"I'm not yours." I said coldly.

He didn't reply. I could see his anger though in the way he tensed, in the way he walked.

We somehow slowly reached my house. My mother was standing on the porch.

"Oh my gosh Abagail I was so worried-" she started running over to me until she saw him.
Her eyes widened and she stepped back, bowing her head. She must've known the Alpha King was here through the talk of the neighborhood.

"Alpha King." She whispered shakily.

"No need to bow, call me Alpha, please. Abagail is here to pack her things, as she is my mate." He said smiling softly. He seemed happy, excited.

I wasn't.

I tried to hide my once again falling tears as I went into my house with my mother.

"Abagail I-" my mother started to cry.

"It's okay mom." I hugged her back. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"I'm worried. The things he could do to you-" she started whispering.

"It's okay. I'll be fine." I whispered back.
I started taking my clothes into my black suitcase. I didn't have many so it wouldn't be a very long time. I changed into a sweatshirt and leggings and started packing the rest up.

I tried not to think about all I was losing but it was hard. I wouldn't even get to say goodbye to my friends.
I was moving tonight.

I hope this is all some big misunderstanding. A big mistake.

"Mom?" I called out for her.
I knew I had to make the right decision.

"Yes dear?" She asked, her eyes puffy and red. It broke my heart.

"After tomorrow, I want you to move to neutral land. Get there as fast as you can. I'll be okay, and I'll know you're safe as well." I said softly. My voice was cracking, I was watching everything disappear.
It was happening so quick.

"Abagail I-" she retorted but I interrupted her,

"Mom it's for the best. You know that." I explained softly.

We sat there for 10 more minutes holding each other.
I tried my best not to cry.

When I got back outside I had seen that the Alpha King was gone.
Men were standing outside of a black van all wearing very formal clothes.

"Miss Abagail, forgive me for interrupting but my name is Isaac. I'm the butler back at the castle. Alpha King Adrian already ran back to the castle to get work done and set up for you, so if you allow me to help your stuff in the van, we will be on our way." He gave me a soft smile.

I nodded to him, my breath hitching.

"Mom," I looked over to her "I love you. Please be safe." I said tears starting to flow.

This was it, this is goodbye. My last family ever.
Everything is vanishing, disappearing.
All because of a bond I am unable to feel.

She hugged me back.
"I love you."

I nodded and watched her walk back in the house crying. She knew I would be okay, but I hoped she would be. The hunt for neutral land is no graceful journey.

I got into the van and sighed.
Soft tears started falling again, and I could feel my throat hitch.

To the Alpha King I go.

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