Chapter Seventeen

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So its true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.

- E.A. Buchianerri "Brushstrokes of a Gafly".

Piano Song: "Victor's Piano Solo" Composed by Danny Elfman

Chapter Seventeen ; The Melody

Abagail and Adrian parted ways, hours later. King Adrian had a hard time doing so, but knowing that Abagail needed some time alone. He did not want to smother her, he wanted to let her breathe. Nothing can grow without the space to do so.

Abagail lay there on her fluffy comforter, feeling anything but comfort. She was confused and conflicted by her feelings. On one hand she was full of lust, starting to catch feelings for her handsome King. On the other hand she was disgusted in herself for doing so, knowing she was only there because of law - because of werewolf law. Her mind went back and forth for a while, images of her mother spinning around, images of Adrian, images of herself.

Silent, silent. You could hear a pin drop. Abagail's hands kept finding each other, pulling and twisting her fingers in angst - in thought. There was so much to know, yet so much not to forget. She would never let herself forget what she's seen. Not at her old pack, not at the private library. She decided at midnight, she would go back to the library. There was more to understand, the pieces were not making sense.

Abagail sat there. Waiting.

Adrian's POV

"So... How was your date" Alex stood in the pack office, giggling.

"You look like a little girl doing that - you know." I spoke back.

"Now you two, this isn't what -" Isaac tried to interject, and refocus on our conversation, but instead Alex interrupted him.

"I don't care how crazy I sound. I have never seen you so full of... life before."

I knew that he was right. I could feel it, a newfound energy was radiating though my every move. It was no longer heavy, it was lightweight.

Abagail is resting Ares told me.

"We are meeting here because destiny is upon us. The book has changed, Artemis' Prophecy is in full effect." I changed the subject, "She's in it. I saw her picture."

"Why can't the book tell us what's going to happen? Not just what is happening." Alex asked, sighing.

"Because fate and freewill are one and the same. Your choices and your destiny is intertwined. Whether you, Sire, like it or not you will take your rightful place on the throne once again, and Abagail will be by your side." Isaac exclaimed. "We have to stop treading around it, we have done that far too long. The council knows of your existence, it is only time until they strike. Who knows what they know already."

Abagail Aries spoke, protectively.

The full moon was shining on us, through the glass roof. I could feel its power. I knew that everyone else could feel it in the castle.

"I want to keep everyone protected. I want the magic to be hidden away." I spoke, authoritatively. "But most importantly, I will not let anyone even get a chance of facing Abagail."

"You know, your people are here for you. All of the fae, you aren't alone. We all want to see this through." Alex said now, much more serious this time. "Alpha, it is not just you. Maybe it once was hundreds of years ago, but those days are over. Ever since you rebuilt the castle and changed your ways."

"Just because I changed my ways does not mean people will forget. I will never forget." I uttered angrily, seething between my teeth. The past is too painful, and I am the one who caused it.

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