Ch. 20 Acting up

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Piper was constantly whinning, for whatever reason. She kept sitting in front of me, staring at me with her big eyes then looking somewhere and looking back at me.

I could tell she was wanting something, but in all honesty I really couldn't move.

Like, not at all.

My body was completely sore and moving was hard to do. I couldn't take one step without my thighs and back hurting completely.

After sex yesterday, Tory wanted to go again at least two more times. It was hard telling her no, but I swear that woman had no mercy on me whatsoever. We did things that I didn't even think was possible and the positions we were doing was making it more pleasureable but if I knew the price I would have to pay the next day, I would have told her no.

She kept asking for another round, then after our third round I had to tell her no. She didn't get mad, but only said that we make it up next time.

When I woke up this morning, my body was sore and I honestly couldn't move an inch without wanting to scream in pain.

Yeah, it's that bad.

Laying on the couch was all I have done today. I have not got up once, except to piss and that was so much  torture that I was thinking about having a cup handy instead of getting up.

I look over at Piper as she was sitting there, staring at me like she's been doing for the past few minutes. I knew she wanted something but I had to tell her no a few times, which I don't think she understood.

"Piper." I groaned as she was whinning. "Please, stop. Mom does not feel like doing anything. I'm sorry."

She stuck her tongue out as she was staring at me, then went over to her food bowl and looked at me as I finally realized what she wanted.

"Ok, ok." I slowly got up then bit my lip before standing. I breathed out as I walked over to her then grabbed her bowl, feeling my legs start shaking before walking over to the sink and pouring some water into her bowl.

She had plenty of food, so it was mainly the water was too low and she wasn't happy about it.

"Sorry, girl." I pat her head before walking back to the couch then hearing my phone ring from the counter. "Ugh." I walked back then saw mom calling me. "Hello?"

"Hey, darling. Are you busy?"

I leaned against the counter. "No. Why?"

"Do you think you could go up to the school? The principal called and said that Chase had got into a fight."

"With who?"

I heard dad in the background but couldn't understand what he said.

"He asked us to come up there and talk to him but we're out of town right now. Could you go up there?"

Nodding, I sighed. "Yes ma'am."

"Thank you, sweetheart. Let us know what's going on. I love you, bye!"

Hanging up, I look down at Piper as she was looking up at me. I shook my head before sighing. "Why must I move today? Ugh."

I went upstairs to get some clothes on before heading to the school.


Driving was difficult and I wanted to apologize to the man in the car next to me in the red light when I was making a face like a fish and he happened to look over at me.

He quickly rolled his window up and left when the light turned green though.

Sorry, my dude.

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