21 | Wise

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"Wait, what?" Olivia yells through the phone.

Elea giggles and puts her hand over her mouth. "Vienna!"

"Guys, it's so embarrassing," I whine over FaceTime. I decided to call them as soon as I ran away from the boys, needing their opinions on the matter. I'd told them everything from running into Axel in the bathroom to what happened at his house earlier. "Do you think he knows I like him now?"

Olivia smirks. "This is the first time I'm hearing you say it out loud. Even though I already knew before you did."

I slap my hand over my face. "I think I knew before, but today made me realize that I really do."

"Aww," my friends say at the same time.

"Do you think he feels the same way?" Elea asks, leaning closer to her phone. She's in her room and with her phone propped up on her desk.

"I think so," I say playing with my necklace. It really seems like he does. Between wanting to be my partner, dancing with me, and winning me the stuffed bear, it would see like he does. Speaking of the bear, I reach for it at the end of my bed.

"I think so too, Olivia says. "The way he looks at you when he thinks no one is looking is the cutest thing ever."

My pulse races faster just talking about him. I squeeze the bear in my arms and put my head on top of the stuffed bear's head.

"Is that what he won you at the fair?" Elea asks. I nod my head in response.

Olivia tilts her head, smirking. "I rest my case. No boy wins a girl a prize just because. And he paid for it."

I flop back on to my bed, huffing. "Do you think he knows I like him now though?"

Elea shrugs her shoulders. "Probably? Were things awkward after the time you told my mom he wasn't your boyfriend?"

I tilt my head side to side. "Only for a little bit."

"Hopefully it won't be this time around, but you did sprint out of there." Elea laughs. "That probably made it obvious."

Groaning, I grab my pillow and scream into it. Elea and Olivia laugh, but stop when someone knocks on my door.

The door opens and my mom pokes her head into my room. "Axel's about to leave if you want to say bye?"

"Will you tell him I say bye?" I ask, playing with a paw that belongs to the stuffed bear. Just looking at the basketball sole makes me nervous because it makes me think of him.

My mom looks disappointed as she watches me. "You sure you don't want to come tell him yourself? I thought y'all were becoming good friends?"

Elea and Olivia's eyes visibly widen on my screen. My mom hasn't seen my phone, not knowing they're listening to our conversation.

"We are," I say looking away from her. "It's just he's hanging with Hudson and Jaden now, I don't want to interrupt that," I lie.

Slowly, my mom backs out of my room. "Okay," she drawls as she shuts my door.

"Sounds like Mrs. C. is rooting for you two to be together too." Olivia laughs, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

I groan again. To change the subject I ask Elea, "have you met the guy your mom is dating?"

Elea grins. "Yeah! He's the sweetest guy ever! My mom was wondering if she could bring him to Hudson's graduation party?"

"Yeah, of course! What's his name?"

"Wilson. My mom really likes him."

Olivia and I pout happily for Elea's mom.

After hanging up, I head to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I'm brushing my teeth when I see my phone that's sitting on my counter light up. The butterflies in my stomach decide to make an appearance when I see who the text is from. I unlock my phone and read the message.

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