Chapter 37

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"Can't we work on... diversifying the clothes around here. By that I mean at the very least scrap these corsets. They dig into my ribs," Sara moaned as she sat on her mate's lap swinging her legs back and forth.

"They are compulsory for females. They are also tradition. Females like them."

"Can you not always say females. Women also works and just so you know I really don't like them. I want my shorts and t-shirts back but I guess according to you they show too much skin."

"Exactly. My little bunny needs to be kept for my eyes only. Only I should see you—"

"I will not be naked. Is there really anything wrong with showing anything above my ankles. Shorts and t-shirts are so comfortable. Also hoodies. Maybe some short skirts."

"Are you trying to be a harlet?"

"No. I just hate these clothes."

"These are acceptable for your position. You're a queen. You must wear these. What will my men think if they saw you parading around in short skirts. You'd be wearing less than a—"

"Don't call me a prostitute or compare me to one," she muttered.

"Those skirts you have asked me to get you, they will sit here. That is absolutely unacceptable for a queen or any lady or even any female to begin with. You need to have more modesty."

"For my kind I am more modest than many. At least I still have my virginity."

"And why wouldn't you?"

"Morals in modern society are rather loose. Some care about them others just don't."


"Let's talk about something different like at the very least getting rid of these corsets," Sara suggested.

"You are a funny little thing."

"I am not funny nor am I little!"

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Sara quickly jumped off his lap and began running down the steps from the throne.

"Where do you think you're going little bunny?" He asked grabbing her waist.

"Hey let me down!" She squealed as he spun her around in his arms.

"Fine, my bunny," he said dropping her on the cushioned throne.

He placed his hands on the armrests, trapping her down.

"You know um this position... it is something I find in some books I read and in series and movies. Don't think you know what those are—"

"You seem to be nervous and babbling. It's cute. Also I am concerned about what you are reading. My bunny should not be reading anything inappropriate."

"You already dictate my clothing choices can't I at least choose my own books. Although it's not like my favourite authors would even be found in your library."

"Well then you won't be reading anything inappropriate."

"That's not fair. I mean I don't read inappropriate stuff but you cant control what I read. I already have been deprived of my cellphone and electricity as a whole and apparently my clothing choices. Also I am still not happy with maids dressing me every morning. The only person who should be taking off my clothes for me is me."


"Yes. Now would you stop caging me in?"

"Do you really want that? I think you like it? You seem nervous my little bunny."

"I don't know what you are talking about," she said.

"I'm all yours my little bunny. All you have to do is ask Sara. Ask and I will gladly—"

"Then can you please uncage me. I dont really like being cornered."

He sighed and picked her up and sat down with her on his lap.

"Why do you seem so upset?"

"Sara I have been trying to go at a slow pace for you but for me it is incredibly unnatural. I don't feel like we are making any progress in our relationship, not since I told you what I am."

"Are we ending it then?"

"No! I would never end our relationship and it is impossible to do that anyway. I am trying to advance our relationship but you don't want to. You refuse to kiss me and let me touch you intimately. My instincts are not satisfied."

"I don't care if they are satisfied. You cannot force me to do anything."

"Sara I need you to trust me and allow me to get closer to you. Normally we would have mated within a week after we met. It has been more than a month Sara. I won't be able to handle much more."

"I don't want to 'mate' and you will not force me to or I will leave. I don't care whether or not you try and stop me."

"I am not asking you to do that. Just be more open with me and let me at the very least kiss you and try and be more open to my culture."

"Be open to your culture? Need I remind you that you did take me from everything I love! I would say that I have been incredibly tolerant considering what you have done," she said pushing him back and getting off him.

"Sara don't leave," he said pulling her back onto his lap.

"Why not? All I do all day is sit on your lap. It is boring and infuriating. I want to do something."

"Then let's start a family?"

"A‐a family?"

"Of course my love. I want nothing more than that. I want to have a child with you."

"I understand your relationships progress fast but weren't we just arguing."

"And I now want to stop arguing with my Queen. All I have been trying to do is court you but it seems I need to be more direct for you to understand."

Sara's breath hitched as she felt his fingers running along the back of her neck.

"I do have an effect on you my little queen," he noted.

"I'm not ready to do that with you."

"Then at the moment at least stop denying me access to you. Let me treat you like a queen, a true queen."

"And what would that entail, my King?"

"A few kisses, maybe a little bit more," he said.

"Is it bad that I like the sound of that?"

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