Chapter 10

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"Let go of me! I don't want to sit on your lap and let you feed me like a baby. I am not a baby and I am fully capable of feeding myself. You've already taken away my right to dress myself it seems, so let me at least sit on a chair and feed myself! Is that not too much to ask? To just be a normal person or whatever you are and just let me sit on a chair and eat my food myself. I have hands, hands that are very much capable at being used to feed myself and even dress myself as I have successfully done for most of my life," Sara protested squirming around on the king's lap, trying to dodge his attempts at hand feeding her.

"This is what females are supposed to do and what we do with our females of the upper class, we tend to their needs and provide for them. I was rather lenient with you last time we dined, it was your first time. This is how we will dine and you will have to accept that. In my culture a female that is of your status is treated this way. You are being cared for and provided for. I hunted this food especially for our dinner tonight. Just so you are aware, females are submissive to males, and you are a female here."

"Your way is twisted and sick. I have rights to freedom and choice and to not be submissive especially not to the likes of you and besides that I am not one of your females. Where I come from woman can propose to men and can ask men out and we are not property to be claimed."

"Here a female is to be claimed and if the male in question is of equal or higher rank she has no choice but to accept unless there is one of higher rank. Then they negotiate, usually it quickly goes to the second option of a fight. If a male surrenders or dies in a battle for a female the other gets the female. You are a female though and you are residing here therefore you will play by the rules my kind sets and that means I choose your fate-" he said.

"I am staying here against my will! I am not peacefully residing here! You have practically kidnapped me and forced me into some possibly feudal system and have denied me my basic right to freedom!"

"You will still cooperate with me!"

"No I won't! I owe you nothing! You kidnapped me, I don't know what era you live in but in mine that is punishable in court," Sara said pushing herself off his lap angrily.

He grabbed her and ended up accidentally falling on top of her, pushing her to the ground and trapping her beneath him.

"G-get off me," she said trembling, her eyes wide open in shock and her face blood red in embarrassment.

His body was practically frozen, he needed the contact with her, his mate. Her skin was soft and smooth against his skin. Her rapid breaths were loud and he could hear every frantic beat made by her human heart.

He wanted to get off her, the position was scaring his little mate, as feisty as she was and as much as his culture viewed women as inferior, their position was not proper, especially not on the floor where servants and slaves had walked, any position as such was reserved for the bed chamber and on the bed.

"G-get off me you pervert!" She screamed again, squirming in discomfort, however helpless beneath the man who had no idea what he was supposed to do.

On the one hand her skin was glowing and her hair framed her face beautifully. Her eyes held some trace of fear and her being beneath him made him feel dominant and it only fed his inner alpha male.

However on the other hand she was afraid, again. He always messed up. A simple dinner had gone from dinner, to a debate to whatever they were doing. She deserved some more respect than being pinned to the floor.

"P-please stop. P-please get off me."

She was begging him with her soft angelic voice. He had no idea how much more he could take. She needed to be silent. Her soft pale pink lips were making him lustful.

His mind flooded his senses with the memory of his first taste of her lips. His mate had an amazing pair of soft sweet lips that drove him wild.

He shook his head, desperate to not mess everything up even more.

He wanted so badly to get off the poor girl but his body was paralyzed. She was human, she had no special abilities, she was just what the base form was for wolves. She was a weak little human yet she was paralyzing him by doing absolutely nothing.

He watched as soft tears rolled down her cheeks which had become less red and more of a light dusting of a rosy pink.

Her lips were quivering and it wasn't helping his lust one bit. His mind was flooded with horrid images of the poor innocent girl who only fought for what she considered just and right.

His tongue brushed over his teeth which were slightly sharper than a human's.

Her eyes went wider and she stared terrified as he licked his dry lips.

"Beautiful little human," he whispered muttering under his breath.

"N-no stop. P-please," she begged scared. She was about to offer her obedience to him but hesitated as she caught a hold of herself. Her obedience was something she wouldn't promise to a sexist possibly non-human man.

His finger gently brushed her tears away.

"S-stop p-please. I-I-"

His lips fell down and he caught himself above her lips. His self restraint was fading. He couldn't kiss her on the dirty and disgusting floor. He flooded his head with thoughts of what could have been on the floor before them.

There could have been a countless number of gross things and he wanted to kiss his sweet little mate there.

He got off  her and helped her to her feet.

"I apologize for not getting up sooner. The situation was rather sudden and I did not know how to react. Tomorrow evening I shall be having guests over to dine and you shall attend as my guest. You will find that females do occupy males' laps and I expect you to do so otherwise you shall make a fool out of yourself as well as humiliate me in front of my court," he told her.

"Oh," she said having no other words to express her feelings.

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