Chapter 14

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Adam screamed her name as his queen fell back into the fireplace where a burning fire was waiting for the girl.

He ran for her as fast as he could and his arm grabbed her slender waist her head and neck dipping further back and her grabbed her arms as well.

He had however been late. Her hair had already caught fire and was crawling up.

"Water!" He screamed and in an instant the girl was thrown with water.

Normally whoever threw water on a queen would have been put to death for the utter disrespect but desperate times called for desperate measures.

The King shifted her arms into the arm which held her waist and he moved the arm up and cupped her legs, sweeping them up and he took her to a couch where he gently laid her body.

Her long brown curls were shorter, they fell just above her mid back with the edges burnt black like ash.

A small spot on the back of her dress and her upper back had been burnt leaving a small and ugly mark.

Her eyes were shut as she lay soaked, still and limp on the couch with her small, soft breaths and her heart's soft rhythmic melody being the main signs of her only being unconscious.

"Get the doctor now!" The King barked at the servants and one or two of them ran off to fulfil his orders as he sat on his knees on the ground running his hand over the girl's arm.

He was terrified for her sake. He had not been exposed to humans for a few centuries before she came along.

He was afraid of losing her. He didn't know whether her injuries were or were not severe for a human. He remembered how weak and helpless she had lain in the bed after he had suffocated her, forgetting that a human was unable to handle as much as a Lycan.

He felt guilty as well, she was startled and overwhelmed. He had dumped too much information on the poor human. He had her that she was to become queen which had obviously shocked her.

Her face was painted in his memory, the shock on her face. She was confused with how to deal with it and didn't know whether it was real or not. It had shocked her and shaken her and she had accidentally nearly gotten killed.

His beloved was so fragile and it made him want to keep her locked away in his room or a gilded bird cage where she would be unable to hurt herself and would be doted on endlessly by him. He imagined how beautiful she would look with the sun catching her skin, which had lost the slight tan it had had when she first arrived.

He knew she would never comply with being locked away like that. She was a feisty little one. He had been away from her for hours on end yet seeing her lying helpless and vulnerable, possibly injured, made him miss her.

It made him miss his feisty little female with all the interesting little quirks she had and the things she did unknowingly by habit, such as the way she was always playing with her hair, be it twirling her curls around her fingers or by repeatedly putting pieces behind her ear.

There was also her independence and the things that made her his feisty little female, the way she would challenge him and the status quo, she would say things that made his inner alpha male hunger to make her submit and he would fire back at her and they would have their arguments which he strangely enjoyed.

She was a strange girl, she was full of contradictions, she loved his wolf yet couldn't bear him. She was so feisty and argumentative around him, refusing to submit to him and reacting to anything he said that she disagreed to, she was the epitome of a confident and fiery female that defied that norms of their society that every other female followed, yet around everyone else she became a reserved and shy girl, that Jennifer dragged across the castle between courses in their meals.

His eyes fell on the burnt tips of her brown hair that had strangely reminded him of fall. He had loved her long curls, they were soft and he had enjoyed running his fingers through them the once or twice he had been with her when she was asleep.

Thinking back he realised he had only been closer to her for a few days. It had only been three days since she had escaped the castle after two weeks of being isolated in her room and he had managed to pick up a few of her quirks that he had already come to love. That was the magic of soul mates. He didn't know whether a human, like Sara, could feel the effects of their intertwined and bound fates but he could and he could never hate her as hard as it was for him to get close to her in human form without messing everything up with her like he did every time.

"Your highness."

King Adam lifted his head, leaving his thoughts about the teenage girl lying like snow white or sleeping beauty, fairy tales that he did not know existed, to see the Royal Doctor bowing to him.

"You may rise," he said.

"Alpha may I ask what happened and that you let me see and touch her," the doctor requested to ensure he was not mauled by the stressed out male lycan who was doing the instinctual thing male lycans did around their injured mates, guard and protect them.

Adam glanced over at the impassive and emotionless face of his young female and he moved aside a bit to let the doctor tend to her and assess the extent of her injuries which Adam was itching to know, not liking being unaware of his mate's condition.

"She got overwhelmed and tripped into the fireplace," he explained shortly, not wishing to waste any more time that could be spent on his mate.

"I see, her front side appears to have sustained no harm, may I turn her over and have her undressed. It is hard to see with the dress," the doctor explained earning an angry growl from the male lycan, who firmly believed his mate's undressed body was to be viewed by him and him alone on the night of her coronation, which would be combined with the mating ceremony, when he would be her official mate even if it was already sealed by fate and the ceremony was only to make it clear on paper although many didn't do it because they didn't think a paper was necessary for their bond.

"Mine!" The angered wolf declared snatching the girl into his arms and holding her tight with his sharp canines bared to dare anyone to step between him and his mate.

"Alpha you want the queen to get better. I must see her back to know whether or not it is fine," the doctor said.

The King hesitated before slipping down her dress and removing the laces of the corset to reveal her bare back and he gently laid her on her stomach on the couch.

The doctor observed her back, moving her hair away from her neck.

"Your highness she has only sustained a small burn on her back. It might scar since humans don't heal as well as we do but it is not severe. It will just need to be treated and bandaged, I suggest not having her wear corsets till the pain goes away. She should be able to walk around when she wakes up, she'll likely be complaining a bit though. I assume she was knocked out from the heat and maybe the shock and stress," the doctor said.

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