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Chapter 39

            Everyone in here is dressed in red, just like Jen and mum. And when I meant everyone I know is here, I meant those closest to me. Penny, Blaire, Liz, Mary, my dad and Alexander.

They all come to me to wish me a happy birthday and hug me but I can't help but let mt eyes connect with one person who stands out in the crowd, dressed in a white suit.

Leonardo O'Neil.

Just like the day I first met him, his blue eyes captivate me and somehow manage to make it seem like we're the only ones in this room. He has that much lower over me.

Almost sensing that I'm not paying attention, they let me go and move out of my way. Now Leo has a clear view of me from head to toe, and I see his eyes lingering for a while on my stomach before meeting my eyes again.

Without thinking, I slowly move towards him, shocked as day that he's in front of me. When we're about a feet away, we just gaze at each other.

"Hi." He says with his award winning smile.

"Hi," I respond with a grin and teary eyes.

Then, he wraps his arms around me, being careful not to squeeze me. "I missed you to Alison. I missed you so much I couldn't function properly. These past few months have been hell for me and if it wasn't for Alex I don't know what would've happened to me." He lets go of me and holds my face into his large hands, forcing me to look at him.

"I'm sorry for the hurt I've put you through. I'm sorry for letting someone into our home and letting her destroy what we had. I didn't mean to hurt you Sunshine, I was just high on the thought of being a father, something I've always wanted. But I was wrong, I should've waited for you because look at you now, carrying my heir." His eyes now filled with tears too.

He drops his hands and hugs me again, this time letting his head fall on my shoulder. "I'm so so sorry baby, please allow me to fix this. I love you so much. I want to be there for you and our child." He sobs lightly and I rub his back, also sobbing. Damn, we are a mess right now. "I made a mistake, please forgive me."

Without wasting anymore time, I talk before he starts saying something too. He's probably taking the silence in a wrong way. "I love you too. I love you so much Leonardo that I'm willing to let go of what happened. I would be damned if I let that woman win. I forgive, and you need to forgive yourself too." I say exactly what I told my dad.

We continue sobbing while in an embrace until we break apart. Leo now has bloodshot eyes - which I am sure I also have - and tear stains, but wears a smile. "I'm happy my first time crying in front if anyone apart from my family is you Sunshine."

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Only you would end a heart felt moment like that." I take a deep breath and hold my stomach with both my hands without thinking, immediately drawing Leo's attention.

But he doesn't say anything about it, instead he says, "Let's go join the others outside."

Huh, I didn't even notice that they left and gave as privacy. Either say I'm glad they did because I don't think Leo and I would've had that moment with them looking at us like a TV drama series.


The birthday party is now in full swing with majority of the little guests we have now drunk except for Jen, Leo and I. Jen wanted to drink but I forbid her to, so instead she's stuck drinking apple juice. Or so I think it is, because I've been noticing her stumbling around the room.

I guess they'll be staying the night, all of them.

  "Hey, I want to take you somewhere." Leo says beside me.

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