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Chapter 4


"WELCOME TO THE O'NEILL PRIVATE FLIGHT." A red haired girl, about my age or older, says as the driver and I enter the private jet.

I must say, I thought we're going to at least travel business but I was wrong. The guy has his own jet. Cool, but not enough to butter me.

She ushers us to our seats which are a good feet away from each other, giving us enough privacy. She also gives us snacks for the flight as well as drinks.

When she leaves, I lean back and feel my eyes starting to become heavy. Soon, darkness consumes me.


"Hey. Hey. Hey wake up." Someone pokes me.

I groan and open my eyes only to find the red haired looking at me. I sit up straight and frown.

"What's wrong? Are we crashing? Oh my goodness I knew that today something bad is going to happen, I just knew. I have to pray, I have to pray. I can't die without praying my sins away, an-" The girl stops my rambling by laughing. I throw her a confused look.

"No no no no, we're not crashing. If anything, we have landed minutes ago. The driver had to go somewhere as soon as we landed. Family Emergency." She explains.

I shake my head. "So how am I going to get to where I'm supposed to be?" I ask.

She flashes me her white pearls. "I can take you."

I arch a brow. "No offence though but aren't you a flight attendant?"

She chuckles and shakes her head. "No, I'm actually Mr O'Neill's personal assistant. He didn't trust any flight attendant for this."

I roll my eyes. Great, my 'husband' has trust issues. Just what I need.

"Great." I say sarcastically.

She once again laughs. "Alison I know about the deal between him and your family. You're going to be his wife, correct?"

I sigh deeply. "Don't remind me."

"Shoots." She mumbles all of a sudden. "We have to go now!"

I nod and start moving with her. Apparently my luggage was sent on another car that wasn't driven by the man in black. I don't know how I feel about this, strangers handling my bags without me. But I guess I'd have to get used to it.


So far I've learnt that the red haired girl's name is Blaire, she is a P.A whilst studying business, she is also 20 years old (a year older) and she lives a couple minutes away from where I'll be living. The fact that she is a total D.C and Marvel nerd makes her cool. I already like this girl.

Her and I have been driving for about 15 minutes and whenever she told me that we're almost there, my nerves start rising. I won't lie.

With a blink of an eye, Blaire parks her car next to a big house, no scratch that, a big mansion that might even accommodate my whole neighbourhood back home.

The mansion is very beautiful with the painting being between pale peach and white. Before arriving at mansion, there were rows of trees. There's also two pillars next to the big main doors. The porch has a cute little bench and a small table. I could sit here and read my book peacefully.

Fingers start snapping in front of my eyes pulling me away from the beautiful scenery.

I blink a couple of times before they land on Blaire. "Huh?"

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