TWENTY-FOUR - tip-toeing

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TWENTY-FOUR —— tip-toeing

Bee's legs dipped into the water from where she sat on the Château's dock. Birds chirped their early-morning song from the trees behind her and she watched the sky as clouds floated by, wisps of hazy white streaking through the brilliant blue. She watched fish leap from the salt water, birds skim across the surface, the marsh grasses sway in the breeze. She breathed in the smell of salt and fresh air and only turned away from it all when the tranquility was broken by boots padding against the dock's rotting wooden boards.

JJ jerked his chin upwards in a silent greeting as he came closer. Bee smiled softly in response before turning back around to face the horizon. JJ sat beside her, so close their legs touched, and let the soles of his boots skim the water's surface.

"Hey," he said, glancing at her and then trying to follow her gaze, which was fixated somewhere on the horizon.

She broke the staring contest she'd been having with the sunlight sparkling on the water's surface and turned her face toward him. "How're you doing?"

JJ nodded slowly. "Better." He offered a small smile. "So, anyway. I, uh, have a question."


"What you said last night, was that just like an in-the-moment type thing? Like, 'Oh, JJ's sad, so lemme say this to make him feel better.'"

Bee suddenly worried that JJ was asking because he hadn't been serious. She studied his face, trying to get a read on what he was thinking. But, of course, it was JJ, and JJ was an expert at guarding his emotions, much like Bee. The two watched each other, curious and nervous and hopeful all at once, both unable to decipher what the other was thinking.

After a moment, Bee took the leap and confessed, "I meant what I said."

JJ's eyes searched hers for a moment longer, and she swore she could see his eyes glitter in relief. He nodded, then looked back out at the horizon. Bee's eyes stayed trained on him, and her mind echoed the words, Don't waste an opportunity. So, this time, she didn't over think it. Bee let her body gravitate closer to JJ's, her face coming so close to his that she could see the small slivers of crystal blue in his eyes and the light sunburn flushing his cheeks. He felt her gaze on him, so he turned to look at her in curiosity. When he did, Bee didn't waste a second before she placed one hand on his cheek and pressed her lips to his, her eyes fluttering closed.

One of JJ's hands found her shoulder and tugged her closer, and a satisfying, bubbly sensation spread through her chest. As JJ kissed her back, she could feel a small smile on his lips, and she smiled back. The kiss was sweet and hungry, something they'd both been longing for, and Bee wanted to stay in that moment forever.

JJ finally broke away for breath and grinned at her. "Took you long enough."

Bee rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright. "Yeah, yeah. Hey, I'm sorry. For... all the confusion. Just, everything."

Shrugging, JJ stood up. "You're good, Bee, don't worry."

Bee smiled up at him and grabbed his outstretched hand. His warm, calloused grip tugged her to her feet and he immediately wrapped her in a tight hug. Bee closed her eyes and snaked her arms around his torso.

He smelt of the sea and sleep and faintly of his mango Juul pods and Bee thought it was perfect.

She looked up at him. "Can we keep this on the D.L., though?"

JJ considered it for a moment. "You mean, like, tip-toeing?"

Bee shrugged as she stepped out of their embrace, then leaned against the railing. She looked at JJ. "I know I said no more tip-toeing last night, but what I meant was no more tip-toeing around our feelings. But around the Pogues? I think it might be a good idea to lay low for a while, test this whole thing out, see if it even works."

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