THIRTEEN - weathering the storm

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THIRTEEN —— weathering the storm

Bee stayed on the dock with her two friends for hours, hoping her presence was at least a little comforting for Pope.

The silence that hung in the air between the trio was deafening, a constant reminder that the chatter-mouth of their group had been pried away, taken to the police station, and locked in a cell.

The sun had melted into the sea by the time the three teenagers finally stood again, the rickety planks of wood creaking beneath their bare feet. Salt water dripped from their skin and soaked the wood, leaving temporary stains behind with every step they took.

Bee's hand rested on Pope's shoulder before she parted ways to go home, and he glanced at her, his dark, intelligent eyes glistening with guilty tears.

Bee wished she could fix the situation. Maybe had she tried harder to change their minds the other day with Topper's boat, things would be different. Somehow, she felt she had to bear some responsibility for the situation, and its weight on her shoulders was painful.

Bee's voice was full of comfort when she said, "JJ will be fine, you know."

Pope sighed and shrugged. His shoulders drooped and his head hung low. "It's my fault this happened," he said, his voice cracking.

"Pope," Kiara said, stepping closer to him and Bee. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eye. "JJ had it in his mind that he was gonna take the blame."

Bee nodded, agreeing with Kiara. If JJ was determined enough, he could make pretty much anything happen. "Don't sweat it, bro. He made the choice."

But Bee wasn't as calm about the situation as she was making herself out to be. Hidden inside was a boiling storm of emotions, all biting at the bit to present themselves. And on top of it all, she was terrified for JJ—how would his father react?

Bee kept her emotions concealed for now. She wasn't sure how long she could fight the onslaught of worry, though, so she said, "I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?" and headed on her way.

The light of a flickering lantern shone through the kitchen window, which meant her mother was still awake despite the uncharacteristically late hour. Bee took a nervous breath, preparing herself for her mother's wrath, before stepping inside. Ana Flynn sat at the tiny kitchen island, her back straight in one of the weathered bar stools and her hands clasped together. She stared directly ahead at the fridge, and Bee imagined she had been studying the notes and photos stuck to it for a while.

"Hi, Mom," Bee whispered, closing the front door behind her.

Ana seemed to wait for it to click shut before turning to face her daughter. Ana's eyes had mascara smudged under them and her hair was in an unkempt ponytail, locks of her thick hair hanging loose, framing her face. For the first time in a long time, Ana looked her age, perhaps even older. Bee realized just how much of a toll her storming out and adolescent recklessness had taken on her mother.

Bee knew Ana tried to be a good parent, she really did, but sometimes, the effort wasn't enough. Often times, her love was difficult to see, concealed like a hidden message in a painting or letter. And unfortunately, Bee wasn't very skilled at deciphering hidden messages and deeper meanings.

Ana stood from the bar stool and walked closer to her daughter. When she was close enough, Bee could see the glassiness of her mother's eyes. Ana Flynn, who was always so careful to keep her emotions repressed, had been crying. And it struck a thorn through Bee's heart.

Bee's stomach churned with guilt, because she had undoubtedly caused this vulnerability in her mother.

Bee was a Pogue, through and through. She lived for adventure, for the rush of adrenaline she'd get by acting a little too impulsively a little too often. But lately, things had been more intense and high-risk than ever—her best friend pulled a gun on someone, she was shot at by square groupers, she was terrorized by those same square groupers, and her gun-pulling, risk-taking best friend had just been arrested.

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