TEN - the forbidden zone

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TEN the forbidden zone

"Okay, guys, be chill when we get inside," Kie warned as she climbed out of the van

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"Okay, guys, be chill when we get inside," Kie warned as she climbed out of the van. "He won't say yes if you're being obnoxious."

The five friends filed into The Wreck, a popular restaurant owned by Kiara's parents. Bee sent the boys a teasing look and when Kiara made a beeline for her father, the rest of the group moved further into the restaurant.

Every step Bee took, JJ purposefully stepped on the backs of her heels, causing her to stumble the whole way. She could hear him trying to hold in laughter, and with no warning, she stopped walking so abruptly that JJ crashed into her back and had to steady himself on her shoulders.

"Jesus!" he grumbled.

A triumphant feeling rolled through Bee like a wave before she turned to face JJ. She stuck her tongue out, then took a place standing next to John B and Pope. The four friends stood, sweaty and dirty from their long day, resembling lost children as they glanced around the restaurant and stared at the customers' plates of fresh food. Bee noticed Kie and her dad, Mike, were watching them, so she grinned at Mike and waved. He didn't wave back, although he inclined his head in acknowledgement.

When Kiara finally told Bee and the boys to sit down, they jumped eagerly into empty seats and started chattering about everything, from funny stories to the best way to title music playlists. Eventually, Mike came out from the kitchen with the first round of food and the Pogues dug in. Bee claimed a grilled cheese sandwich and ate it so quickly, she began hiccupping. She was still hungry, though, so she leaned to the side to steal a few of JJ's fries.

"No way," he protested, grabbing his plate and turning away from her. She pouted, then gladly accepted some from the plate Pope offered her.

"Thanks Pope, you're a real one," Bee said, playfully glaring at JJ.

More food continued to come to their table and the Pogues ate their fill, grateful for the free, hot meal. Kiara was carrying a jug of water around and filling up her friends' cups when one of her favourite songs started playing through the speakers. Bee grinned and watched as Kie motioned for John B to join her dancing.

Slowly, he surrendered and made his way over to Kiara, who swayed her hips and guided her arms in rolling waves along to the music. Then the next song came on and Bee recognized it immediately as one the group often listened to together, and it usually ended with all of them screaming the lyrics or dancing to the beat. Figuring that yelling in The Wreck would be a bad idea, she opted for dancing and stood from her chair. Bee almost took JJ's hand to make him dance with her, but opted for Pope instead when nerves got the best of her.

The flowering thoughts Kiara had planted in Bee's mind earlier that day were still there, still alive and still growing. Blooming, really, which scared her. So Pope's hand it was. She tugged him out of his seat and he shook his head, reluctant to dance because of his general lack of physical coordination. Bee laughed, pulling him to the open space anyway. She let go of his hand and the four standing Pogues danced to the music.

𝑨𝑫𝑹𝑰𝑭𝑻,   jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now