Chapter 8. It Happens In A Blink.

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~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n had found her way back to the sanitary, her head placed comfortably on her arms as she lay in the grass, dragons surrounding her.

She had her eyes closed, feeling at peace. More than she had in years. The only things around her were dragons, big and small. The grass tickling her cheeks and neck, and the cold breeze from the dragons beating their wings.

People never understood why Y/n felt so at peace around creatures unlike her. And she didn't either, but she never complained.

It seemed like home. It felt like home.

Her eyebrow twitched as she heard footsteps approach her, disturbing her quite time, "I'm fine Hiccup, I just need some time." She said, her eyes still closed, sighing as she listened to the dragons' breathing.

"You don't seem fine, dear." Y/n's eyes snapped open upon hearing the feminine voice, she turned her head up to see Valka standing above her with a smile, "Hiccup was worried sick when you disappeared."

"Hmm." Was the thing leaving her mouth as she closed her eyes yet again, "I didn't mean to." It was a popular sentence in Y/n's mind. One she had used ever since she was little, "Make him worried, I mean." She clarified with a sigh.

Y/n could clearly hear the sound of Valka's silent giggles along with the sound of the grass moving beside her, "I know you didn't, dear." Her voice was soft and gentle, as if she didn't want to break the silence, "So, why did you?"

"I don't know." Y/n answered with a sigh, not really feeling like talking to Hiccup's mother.

"That's... Not really an answer, dear." Valka said, having taken a seat beside Y/n.

"You don't need to know, it's not important." Y/n said, pulling her legs a little up.

Silence followed for a moment, Calka starred at the girl, wondering if she should do what she had in thought or not.

Y/n heard a sigh leave the mother's mouth, followed by a humming that soon turned into a familiar song.

Our Hero, our Hero,
Claims a warrior's heart
I tell you, I tell you,
The DragonBorn comes

Valka sang ever so lowly, making Y/n stiffen. Her eyebrows knitted together as she continued.

With a Voice wielding power
Of the ancient Nord art
Believe, believe,
The DragonBorn comes

Y/n's eyes opened, revealing her (e/c) orbs to be staring at Valka, who had closed her eyes as she sang.

It's an end to the evil
Of all Skyrim's foes
Beware, beware,
The DragonBorn comes

Dragons seemed to land around them, laying down as if a story was getting told.

The Bewilderbeast's head slowly turned to them, studying as the girl slowly sat up.

For the darkness has passed
And the legend yet grows
You'll know, you'll know,
The DragonBorn's come

Y/n's eyes started to glow, unbeknownst by herself, the eyes on her mark glowed along with her.


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