Chapter Forty

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"What about Penelope, if it's good enough for Kourtney Kard-"

"I'm not naming my kid after a Kardashian, Macy" I mumbled dropping the pretzel back in the bag of Munchies and searching for anything else.

Macy crossed her arms in disappointment. "But Reign-"

"Nope" I mumbled finally finding a Dorito. "I want something unique, but not too unique. "

"Alfalfa." Macy deadpanned causing me to laugh which was weird since I was in a shit mood.

"You're getting warmer" I replied sarcastically. "How about Blair? Or Noah? I like unisex names."

Macy shook her head. "That's just because you don't know the gender. When you find out you can get on board with one of my choices."

Macy's choices weren't all that original. They were all celebrity names. She actually wanted me to name the baby Will Smith-Vincent if it was a boy.

"Doubt it." I mumbled laying back on my bed and turning my attention to the TV.

"And when you talk to Kody at the appointment you're going to be less miserable." She said laying next to me."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not miserable, for the last time. I told you- I just needed time to think."

She pursed her lips. "And what did you think about?"

I thought about Kody. And then I thought about Jaxon. And then I did exactly what Kody didn't want me to do and I compared them. I came up with the fact that Kody could hurt me ten times worse than Jaxon could, and call me a coward but I was afraid of that pain.

"I thought about baby names." I lied with a shrug.

Macy groaned. She had been cooped in the house with me for two days and I knew it was driving her insane.

"So if I told you that one of the girls at Zeta Phi was interested in Kody, you wouldn't have a problem with that?"

I knew she was bluffing. The girls at Zeta Phi lived by a code. None of them would go after Kody.

"Are you lying?" I asked, just to amuse her conversation. Macy had a pretty obvious tell.

"No." She said with a straight face as she chewed on her bottom lip.

"You're doing it." I said carelessly turning back to the tv.

Macy cursed. "It's because I smile when I lie. I don't know why."

I laughed again, pausing when I heard the knock at the door.

Macy rose from the bed. "We're you expecting anyone?"

I wasn't. It was Friday so I assumed Kody was still at his dad's house. Jamie had work. King hadn't answered any of my calls. I had no clue who it was.

We stared at eachother in silence, eyebrows raised when the knock came again. "I'll get it. Maybe Jamie got off early" Macy finally said, braking the silence.

She rose from the bed, sliding her feet in her house shoes as she walked to the door and peeked through the peephole. "Hot damn." She mumbled quickly turning her attention to me.

"Ezra, why is there a man who could possibly be considered the finest man on planet earth, outside of your door."

I paused, my mind going blank before I reacted, jumping up from the bed and running to the door. I took a quick look and was met with the face of a stranger.

"Maybe he got the wrong door?" I rationalised, scooping my hair back with a stray rubberband. When the knock came again, I panicked.

Macy and I were supposed to be having a girl's day, therefore we were both in cotton shorts and large tees. I was sporting a clay mask and Macy's hair was in a twist out with a pink bonnet covering it. We were not expecting company.

When the knock came once more, I simply sighed and pulled the door open, ignoring Macy's warnings.

The man was tall, taller than he had looked from the glance I had originally gotten. About six-five. His skin was olive, his eyes a bright grey.

His hair was thick and wild, long enough to cover his ears and the nape of his neck. He was really handsome.

"Ah, good" He said with a wide smile when he laid eyes on me. "I thought no one would be home. "

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Can I help you?" I asked nervously looking between him and Macy.

"Of, course, I'd be delighted with your help." And then he grabbed my hand, pushing me off balance so that I was no longer blocking the door. He easily manuevered himself into my living room and shut the door with his back against it. "I think we need to talk, Ezra."

I froze, my eyes narrowed as I tried to make sense of what the hell was happening. I would have thought I was hallucinating if Macy hadn't grabbed her phone off of my kitchen counter and put it to her ear.

"Get the hell out, right now or I'm going to call the police "

I didn't make a comment about how she chewed on her lip-indicating the lie, or how I knew that her phone was dead. I simply blanked of all rational thought. Who the hell was this guy?

He tilted his head to the side, causing some of his hair to fall into his eyes. It changed him from handsome, to adorable.

And then he pulled a gun out of his waistband and pointed it at my bestfriend. "I wouldn't do that, I really am trying not to murder anybody this month and if you mess up my streak I'm going to be pissed."

She dropped the phone, understandably and moved her gaze to meet mine. "What do you want from us?" She asked, her chin stubbornly raised. Macy always had a give them hell attitude. I didn't know if now was the time for it.

The man laughed. "From her-" He tilted his head to me. "I just want to make a request."

I took a couple of deep breaths, I had to be smart, I was definitely not going to die like this. Remembering a Tumblr post, I looked him in his eyes. "What's the request?" I asked as casually as I could make my shaking voice sound.

He laughed, lowering the gun before sighing. He seemed unstable. "My name is Luca Romano, I just want you to let your boyfrined know that I made you a visit."

Of course. Of course this had something to do with Kody and whatever the hell he and his friends were doing. "Okay." I said quickly. I would have given him my pinky finger if it would have gotten him to put the gun away.

Luca smiled. His gaze trailed from me, back to Macy. "Did I interrupt a slumber party?" He asked sarcastically.

"She said she'd call him." Macy said, her teeth clenched. I could tell she was scared.

With a chuckle, Luca bent down and scooped Macy's phone off of the floor. "I can take a hint, Bella." His accent deepened on the last word. "I'm not invited."

We stood where we were, frozen as he pocketed her phone with a smirk. With another cold look sent my way, he exited my apartment.

Once he was gone, I turned to Macy calmly. I didn't know if she was going to freak out or not. "Are you okay?"

She nodded slowly, taking a couple of deep breaths.

"That asshole stole my phone."

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