Chapter Thirty Three

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I was delusional to ever think that I could be friends with Jaxon again. It was insane.

Also, it was kind of selfish now that I thought about it. Not that I cared at the moment, because Jackson was an asshole.

And asshole trumped 'kind of selfish' every time.

Andrea Berkley leaned against the wall with a smirk on her face as I fiddled with my water bottle, "I'm not trying to get him cussed out." She said with a humorous glint in her eyes. I knew that  she in fact was trying to get Jaxon cussed out.

Let me explain.

It turns out that Jaxon had somehow found out I was pregnant. It could have been from anybody since I wasn't exactly hiding it any more since I started showing.

But Jaxon was spreading rumors about me.

Aparantly the story going around was that I was cheating on him with Kody and the baby could be either of theirs.

Like I said, he was an asshole.

Worse, he was a coward, because after spreading rumors about me he didn't even have the courage to face me. He'd been avoiding me all day.

"It's fine Drea. Thanks for letting me know" I said sincerely. As much as she loved drama, at least she wasn't talking behind my back like everyone else.

"Of course, so it's not true then?"

I wanted to ignore her because it was nobody's business. But it was already out there so I just sighed.

"My baby's father is Kody. I haven't been with Jaxon in almost a year. He's just delusional."

Drea laughed and I sent her a tight smile before walking off towards my next class.

I knew it was going to be a long day.

I went through classes in a daze, not really paying attention to any of the assignments I was given.

Teachers couldn't just allow us to enjoy our thanksgiving holiday.

Thinking about thanksgiving caused me to stress. I knew Kody's father most likely wouldn't punch me in the face when I walked through the door, but I couldn't imagine what would happen.

There was no way he was happy about Kody knocking some girl up. And when he found out about my background he was going to jump to his own conclusions.

I was still in a daze when I walked into the cafe to meet my friends at noon.

Macy, Jamie and Uriah where already sitting at the table, each one of them scrolling through their phones.

When Macy saw me her expression transformed into one of anger. "So are we going to kick Jaxon's bony ass or not?" She asked with fire in her eyes.

Jamie grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him. "I told you to be calm when she came." He mumbled before sending me a smile. "I assume you heard the rumors."

I shrugged, deciding to play it cool. "They're just rumors. People can think whatever they want."

Uriah groaned. "You'd think people would have enough going on in their life. I for one am way too busy to worry about who your baby's father is." She sent me a look "It's going to be cute though."

I laughed at the lack of emotion in her compliment. "Thanks Uriah." Since Jamie and Macy were leaned against each other, I took a seat near her.

"Vincent is not going to be happy about this." Jamie said casually as he ran his hands through Macy's wild curls.

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