Chapter One

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Five Weeks Later

Macy was a perfect roommate most of the time. She was easy going and very funny and she never took anything too seriously.

That was the problem at the moment. She wasn't taking this seriously.

She laughed leaning back on her bed, her heavily conditioned hair staining her ivory sheets. "You said it was the best sex you'd ever had." She said in between laughs.

I pursed my lips waiting for her to finish.

"You said..." she broke out in another laugh. "You said it was the best decision you'd ever made."

Tears were actually coming out of her eyes now. "Oh my god. It's killing me." She clutched her stomach pounding her fist against the bed.

I simply stared at her. I kind of wanted to fight her.

"Are you done?" I asked after the chuckles died down a bit.

She nodded her head, still chuckling.

I walked over to her bed sitting down next to her and laying my head on her shoulder. "What am I going to do, Mace?" I groaned.

She smacked her lips together. "Let me see it, you probably didn't even read it right." She said holding a hand out."

I groaned. "It's one line or two lines Mace. I'm not blind." Still, I handed her the stick closing my eyes and praying for her to tell me that there was actually only one line and I was just delusional.

"Damn, bitch you pregnant." She mumbled ending on a chuckle.

I quickly snatched the stick back from her looking at it again, as if I hadn't been staring at it for the past hour.

"I can't do this." I said after a while, my hand subconsciously trailing to my stomach.

Macy flicked me. "You can do anything girl. I know you. Strongest bitch I've ever met."

Tears welled in my eyes. "No, I really can't do this. I can't-" my breath caught and suddenly my lungs began to burn. I couldn't breath. I sat up in the bed placing my hand over my heart. Was I dying? Was the baby killing me?

It would make sense considering who it's dad was.

"Breathe, girl." Macy said rubbing my back. "And be quiet unless you want Stella coming in here and yelling at us. If she finds out you're carrying, you're out of the house."

That was the least of my concerns.

"I can't have a baby, Macy." I hissed. "I definitely can't have Kody Vincent's baby."

She smirked. "Looks like you can sis."

I stood up. "Dammit, we used a condom. I'm going to go over there and kill that son of a bitch."

When I headed for the door, Macy grabbed my arm.

"I wouldn't do that. We should go to the doctor and have you checked out. That's usually the first thing they do in the movies."

"Before they tell the guy? I don't think so. I'm going to go beat Kody into a pulp and then we'll both go to the doctor. " I said. "Me for a checkup and him to have my foot removed from his small intestine."

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