Chapter 42

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One day. I left for college in one day. And now I had to say goodbye to everyone. I had been good about not crying. We knew we would all text everyday and even FaceTime every so often. And we knew our breaks from school would be a blast. And we all knew we had such big things coming for us. 

Tyler was my last stop of the group. They had all begun packing since they would be moving in in the following couple of weeks, so I'd decided to drive by and see them.

"You're going to do such amazing things over there Ariel," he said, giving me a tight hug, "and I know you've heard that from everyone but it's true. Go and show em' what you got, and I can't wait to hear all of the stories when we're home for thanksgiving." He said to me with a smile.

I smiled and gave him another hug, "Thank you for everything." I whispered to him.

He smiled after pulling away, "It's what friends are for." He said.

I smiled, "Well, I never knew what that felt like before I met all of you guys." I said with a shrug, "So thank you for showing me friendship. And thank you for not hating me after that night a while ago." I said.

He smiled widely, "No one could ever hate you Ariel." He said. 

I gave him one last hug and then got in my car and drove off.

I was headed to the Hunter residence. I was saying goodbye to Tessa and Jason. But I was most scared of having to say goodbye to Clara. That little girl is the sole reason that my life had turned out the way that it did. And she was the sweetest little girl I had ever met. Saying goodbye was going to be so hard.

I pulled into the driveway, getting out and looking up at the house that had become my second home over the past two years. I was so grateful for everything the Hunter's had done for me. And I would never forget the kindness they showed me. 

I took a deep breath before heading to the front door, getting ready to almost definitely cry.

Jason and Tessa were both home, as were Lucas and Clara. They had been waiting for me. 

I said my goodbyes to Tessa and Jason first. Lucas took Clara into the other room.

"Thank you for taking a chance on the stranger in the coffee shop two years ago." I said to Tessa with a smile.

She returned it, "Ariel you have no idea how much good you have done for this family." She said, hugging me tightly.

Jason nodded, "Ariel, you brought my son back home. I thought I had lost him for good. I thought Clara had lost him for good. But somehow you brought him back home. And he's so much better for it. Thank you." He said to me sincerely.

He was definitely not the hugging type but he gave me a smile and a nod, which was the best I would be able to get. 

I smiled, "I was just a babysitter." I said with a shrug.

"Oh but you were so much more," Tessa said with a shake of her head, "you have been the best possible role model for Clara. She is never going to forget the time she got to spend with you. And there will never be another babysitter that could ever do for her what you did. You are forever a part of our family. No matter what happens with you and Lucas. You are so welcome in this house whenever you're home. And don't be a stranger. I want to hear all about the amazing things and experiences college gives you." She said with a smile, giving me one final hug.

And with that, I walked into the living room, mentally preparing myself for what would be the hardest goodbye ever.

Clara looked up at me with a smile, "Ariel! Come and play!" She said, holding up the toys she had been playing with.

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