Chapter 34

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Lucas deepened the kiss almost immediately after he'd started it. He tangled his hands in my hair and I wound my arms around his neck. He was a really good kisser. I took a few steps back slowly until the counter hit my back. 

Lucas grabbed me by the waist and picked me up effortlessly, placing me on the counter gently. He gripped me by my waist as we pulled apart from the kiss to gasp for breath. I leaned my forehead against his as I tried to catch my breath.

We made eye contact for a second before kissing again. He moved his lips and began kissing down my neck, pulling the collar of my shirt down for access.

"Lucas wait." I whispered, gently pushing him off.

He pulled away and looked at me, "Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned.

I nodded and smiled, "Yeah. It's perfect. But I think we should talk." I said.

"Thirty seconds into the relationship and already saying we should talk. Now that is definitely not a good sign." He said.

I laughed and pushed him jokingly, "Shut up," I said, hopping down, "I just mean that we can't just kiss and forget about everything else. I think we should sit down and talk to figure out where we stand. After all, as soon as word gets out the entire school will be watching and talking about us." I said.

He nodded, "You're right. Come on, let's go talk." He said, grabbing a hold of my hand and walking us to the living room.

We sat on the couch, facing each other, "Ariel I want you to be my girlfriend. I don't care if we tell people or not but I want to be with you. After knowing how much time we both wasted thinking the other didn't feel the same way, I never want to let go." He said.

I smiled and leaned in, kissing him on the lips, "I don't want to let go either." I whispered.

He smiled widely, "So it's settled then. I'm your boyfriend and you're my girlfriend." He said.

I pulled away to give him a look, "I do have a few conditions." I said.

He narrowed his eyes, "What is it princess?" He asked suspiciously.

"You can't be a jealous and possessive freak. I'm allowed to talk to other guys, I'm allowed to be friends with other guys. I want you to respect my wishes. I don't want another Jake." I said seriously.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "Princess I have nothing but respect for you. You are the strongest person I've ever met. I promise I won't be possessive and jealous...within reason. If I think a guy is getting too close I will knock him out." He said.

I laughed, "Oh I think I'd do that before you did." I said.

He smirked, "And that's exactly why I won't become a Jake. He didn't know what you were capable of." He said.

I smiled, "Now that is true." I said and kissed him again.

We went back to watching TV, his arm wrapped around me and me nestled into his side. After a few minutes he spoke up, "Do you want to tell people?" He asked.

I was quiet while I thought, "I don't know." I said.

"Neither do I. Once people know they would never stop butting into everything, but if people don't know, I don't want guys hitting on you." He responded.

"I don't want girls hitting on you either. But I also don't want them trying to pry into everything either." I said. 

"How about we keep it quiet for now? We date, and get comfortable with each other in that way. And then we start telling people." He suggested.

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