Chapter 39

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At the end of winter break, after I had finally toured all four schools I had to chose from, I sat down at my desk in my room making a pros and cons list for each schools. I knew it would take a while, and I knew it wasn't a decision that would be made in a day. But I needed to start. 

It helped that everyone was willing to help me make the lists. I had been scared that telling them would make them try and push their favorite choice, but to my surprise they all remained pretty unbiased. 

"I still can't believe you aren't going around school bragging about how you got a full ride from four of the bests schools in the country." Tyler said with a shake of his head as we sat around the Hunters' living room. 

"It doesn't matter." I said with a shake of my head.

Everyone rolled their eyes, "Do you hear the words that are coming out of her mouth?" Miles says, pointing to me and looking at the others. 

"It doesn't matter," Cole said in a high pitched voice, mocking me, "Ariel. You. Are. A. Genius. What don't you understand about that." He said staring me dead in my eyes.

I smirked, "I understand that I'm a genius. But I'm not going to go around and parade the fact that I got a full scholarship to a couple of schools. Because then that just makes me an asshole." I said. 

Cole rolled his eyes dramatically, "Well then can I go around and parade the fact that you got a full scholarship to a 'couple' of schools that happen to be some of the BEST IN THE COUNTRY?" he asked. 

I laughed, "Yes Cole you can go around and tell people you know someone who got a full scholarship." I said. 

"So, have you guys made any decisions where you're going yet?" I spoke up. We hadn't really discussed it as a group before. 

"I'm committing to Northeastern next week when my paycheck goes in." Maya spoke up, it wasn't news to any of us, though.

"I'm pretty sure I'm gonna commit to UMass Amherst. I got into the honors college and they have a great business school" Tyler spoke up, Bryan and Alex nodded along with Tyler as their answer.  

"I'm stuck between Providence College and Worcester State. They both have great biology programs. Worcester state is really cheap but I got a scholarship for Providence College and I can get direct entry into their masters program I wouldn't have to apply." Cole spoke up.

That left Lucas, since everyone knew my dilemma. His arm around my shoulder stayed relaxed as he shrug his shoulders, "I got into Bryant, UMass Amherst, Fairfield, and Quinnipiac  for business but I have no idea which one to pick yet." He said with a shrug. 

A/N: I know that most of you will no be familiar with these universities, as they are all located in the Northeastern United States. My apologies, but they are all colleges within the area of where this story takes place. Sorry if you don't know the names.

"Look at all of us. Getting ready to be adults and shit," Alex said wistfully, "Who would've thought." he said.

We all smiled, "That means we really need to make the rest of this year count." I spoke up.

"Preach is sister." Maya said, throwing a fist in the air absentmindedly. 

I looked up at Lucas with a smile, which he returned. The future was bright for all of us. And that didn't scare me.

He quirked and eyebrow, "What are you thinking about princess?" he asked.

I shook my head and shrugged, "Nothing. Just how far we've all come since this time last year. And where we're going." I said. 

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