Chapter 73

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Chapter Seventy Three

I roll over and feel the sunlight shining against my eyelids.

My eyes flutter open and I'm met with the sunshine seeping through the maroon curtains. The window is open, welcoming the sound of birds singing their songs.

"Good morning."

I turn my head to see Trace laying there, arm above head. His eyes are focused on me with a small smile lingering on his lips.

"What time is it?" I ask.

He turns on his side to face me, "Almost noon."

"Why are you still in the bed? I thought you woke up at seven." I laugh.

"I've been up for hours." he yawns, a smug grin curving up his parted lips.

He raises up, allowing the sheet to fall carelessly down his torso. When we went to bed last night he actually took off his shirt like normal.

I remember at my dads house when we had to share the bed and he kept it on just so I wouldn't be freaked out by it. Now we're different and more comfortable with one another.

The muscles in his back contract as he stretches his arms in front of him. Then, he turns around to look at me.

"You have bed head." He smiles as I frown.

I watch as his features change from playful to wicked. His lips curve up into a smirk and his eyes glint with mischief.

Before he can do anything, I jump up. I can't kiss him with morning breath and I know that whatever he's thinking, he'll be able to convince me to do it easily. I can't say no to him, even if I wanted to.

"Where are you going?" he frowns like someone stole his puppy.

"To shower."

"Well, what if I want to shower first?" he retorts, a teasing glint in his eyes. He's always playful in the mornings.

He stands up, showcasing his shirtless glory and walks over to me.

"We've only got one shower." he leans in closer and I take a step back, "There's two of us. How do we make this work?" his eyes are tempting, daring me to give up the obvious option.

"We can make this work by me taking first shift while you strip the bed." I reach out and pat his chest, laughing at his audible groan.

He takes a deep breath, steps back. I slip into the bathroom while we've got some space between us.

When I finish showering, I step out to see my bag setting on the counter. He must've brought it to me while I was washing. I didn't even hear him come in.

I throw on a quick outfit: tight red shirt and a pair of black shorts. It's too hot outside to leave my hair down so I put it in a lose ponytail and walk out of the bathroom.

Trace is walking around the room in a pair of boxers, gathering all of our stuff together. He's got the bed back together and most of the straggling items packed.

"I was thinking that since we slept through breakfast we could stop and get lunch on my way to drop you off." he offers, tossing an outfit on the bed before zipping up his bag.

He looks up at me and I nod.

My stomach is already growling. It's been an entire night since I've eaten last.

He showers quickly and when he walks out, we're ready to go.

"McDonald's?" the truck starts and we begin driving down the dirt road.

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