Chapter 62

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Chapter Sixty Two

Yesterday was so eventful. There were emotions poured out, truth behind lies finally exposed. Everything makes so much sense now. All that Cameron has done has meaning behind it.

While Trace took me home we discussed everything that we'd missed before. All the signs that we had been oblivious to before we knew what he was doing.

We found that Cameron and Liam are brothers. While that fact alone doesn't seem like much, hearing a mentally unstable person constantly preach about how his brother is doing wrong is a concern. Liam had no reason to lie, the only thing is he could just be confused and I guess that's where we put our hope.

Cameron also set us up to get hit by a car. He was the one who had us go out to the street, then leave.

He also almost got Trace and I arrested when we broke into the store. Although I don't think he planned that, he certainly didn't help when we needed it. Mr. Willis was about to catch us so Trace texted Cameron to cause a distraction, he didn't. If Lucas didn't see us in distress and have Adalyn knock down some pans then I'd be screwed for college. Nobody wants to accept a girl with that on her permanent record.

Another thing that he did was tell me about Mason. Now, I realize why. It didn't make sense at first but I understand it now. He believed that by telling me this, letting me know how amazing Mason is, that'd change my mind about Trace.

He thought any form of hurting Trace was good enough. That's why Cameron wanted me to leave him for Mason. Cause he knew it'd hurt Trace. That's why hitting me with a car was still good enough, why killing Olivia or me in a fire was still good enough. Even if the revenge wasn't directed at Trace he'd still suffer. That was all that mattered.

When Cameron confessed to what he had done, nobody spoke. Everyone stayed silent as they processed what his words actually meant. He'd been playing all of us. For so long. He was never our friend, didn't even like us.

That was a lot to take in all at once. But it was hardest for Trace. He was the one who had been lied to, betrayed. Although everyone hurt because of Camerons actions, it wasn't to match Trace who felt broken when he found out he's losing a friend that never even loved him.

He cried to me last night. For the first time ever I saw him cry. It felt like my heart had been torn into pieces. All I wanted to do was make him feel better, comfort him. But sometimes crying is just as good as comfort. Sometimes all you need is to let it out, that's how you'll move on.

Trace let it out. And I think he's better now, not completely, but he'll get there. Everything gets better with time.

When he called me yesterday I knew right away something was wrong. I could hear it in his voice. He asked if he could come pick me up and I knew I couldn't say no. Despite how bad I need to stay away from him I couldn't leave him alone like that.

But now that's happened and I need to keep my distance. Not forever, just until I get some answers about what Cameron told me. Even though he was a little crazy and wishes for every possible thing that could destroy Trace, I still have doubts.

I know it doesn't make sense, but I've been hurt before so if there's a chance that it'll happen again I'm not going to take it. Before I jump into anything else with Trace I have to know for sure.

If he went behind my back then that ruins everything.

I've just got to know for sure.

The bell rings and I practically run to my car at dismissal. All I want to do is go home. School surrounds the idea of Trace, I want out of it.

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