Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty Five

Trace scheduled for Mason to pick us up at the airport since Trace won't have his truck until later tomorrow.

The flight back wasn't that bad, definitely faster than driving. After the first hour Trace seemed to calm down a lot, he was barely even scared anymore but he'd still internally freak if the plane made any kind of noise.

The plane lands and Trace lets out a deep breath before flashing me a grin and saying softly, "We're here, we made it."

I laugh and nod enthusiastically as he rests his head on the seat in relief.

I reach across him and wake my mom up. She fell asleep about three hours ago and we let her sleep. She definitely needs it after staying with dad at the hospital all weekend.

Mom groans awake before remembering where she is and composing herself. The three of us stand up and grab our bags before heading off the plane.

Mason and Ethan are waiting by his car for us and they both grin as they see us.

"Emma!" Ethan shouts and runs up to me with open arms. He embraces me into a hug and Mason and Trace do a handshake hug thingy in front of me.

Ethan lets me go and turns to Trace, "Welcome back man!"

Mason walks up to me and gives me a small hug. It's not as enthusiastic as Ethan's hug was, but it's just as welcoming.

When we pull back Mason gives me an awkward smile and rubs the back of his neck, "We didn't know you had three people with you so there won't be much room in the backseat, but we'll be able to squeeze."

I nod, "It's okay, I'm sure we can handle it."

We throw our bags in the trunk seeing as there's no room to keep them anywhere else in the car. Ethan drives and Mason gives up his seat for my mom, leaving Trace behind Ethan, Mason behind mom and me in the middle of both of them.

I feel like a little kid shoved between two brick walls. The both of them are twice my size and take up almost the entire backseat without me sitting between them.

"Sorry it's such a tight squeeze. If you're too uncomfortable you can sit on my lap." Trace whispers so my mom won't hear. I turn to look at him and he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively with a small smirk.

I slap his arm and he chuckles before looking out the window.

"How'd the trip go?" Ethan asks, breaking the silence.

If my mom wasn't in the car I know everyone would be acting like their usual selves. They'd be talking loud, shoving each other, teasing and just be wild. Parents seem to always make kids feel vulnerable until you get to know the adult better.

"It went well," I say and Ethan looks at me with raised eyebrows through the mirror. I know he's wanting me to continue and give him the details of Trace and I, even though there aren't any. For some reason nobody believes that a guy and a girl can travel across the U.S. as friends.

He keeps looking back at me so I decide to continue, but not about what he's expecting or hoping for, "I saw my sister for the first time in a while."

Ethan's eyes widen in surprisement and Mason jerks his head to look at me.

"You have a sister?" Mason voices his and Ethans question causing me to chuckle a little bit.

It's funny how dramatic everyone is about finding out I have a sibling I've never told them about. You'd think I just told them I'm actually a dwarf from the Appalachians.

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