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You must know that I'm the sort of person that doesn't assume anything about anyone, ever. And even if I'm told directly and the assumption is not an assumption anymore, I still have a hard time believing what I'm told. So it wouldn't surprise you that when someone started texting me regularly (and with regularly I mean everyday) out of the blue, I was definitely taken aback. What did this person want? Why was she texting me of all people? What did she need from me?

I was, am, confused. But I did reply, albeit coldly. I just have a hard time warming up to people, especially to someone that I'd seen, what, at school from a distance and with whom I'd talked to a couple of times in the span of a year? And it's not like we talked about anything important. I remember the first time she approached me. I'd been waiting for the bus for almost an hour, it was raining heavily and I was the only person at the bus stop, I was sighing every 3.5 seconds and cursing in every language I knew in my head (English only actually, but I know some curses in Spanish and French, you know, the basics). So as I was doing that, she came out from behind me and scared the shit out of me. Then it went like this:

Her "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

Me "I wasn- you didn't- uhm yeah don't worry."

Her (probably laughing at how stupid I was) "Are you waiting for the bus?"

Me "Yeah."

Her "Oh, me too."

At this point I was mentally praying (in English, I don't know prayers in Spanish or French sadly) that she would stop talking to me, I wasn't interested in small talk with anyone. Why hadn't I put on my headphones, I wondered.

Her "It's raining so heavily, hopefully the bus will come on time."

Me, thinking "Oh God, please no, I don't want to talk about the weather." And I wanted to tell her that the bus was in fact late since it wad supposed to be here twenty minutes ago but instead I stayed silent. I probably just grunted in response.

Her "Sorry, I have to make a call."

And that was it.

The second time wasn't much better. It was in the school's restroom.

It went like this:

Her, entering the restroom and seeing me, doing a double take, finally recognizing me. "Oh, you are the girl from the bus, hi!"

Me, sincerely wanting to share her enthusiasm but I just couldn't. "Hi."

Her "I've seen you around school a couple times."

Me "Yeah, I study here."

Her "Well, I have to go to the bathroom, it was nice seeing you."

And that was it.

See? See? What was she doing texting me so suddenly, in the summer when we didn't even see each other randomly at school? How did she find me, I didn't even know her name.

Of course I knew it now. Rachel. As soon as she told me her name I was reminded of this girl called Rachel that I knew when I was 6 years old. God, I hated her. And they both had the same blonde hair, and both were short, well, shorter than me. Coincidence? I think not. It seemed like Rachels weren't my kind of people.

But I still replied to what she texted me. I tried being short, cold, unenthusiastic (it wasn't that hard) hoping that she would get the hint. She didn't.

I wondered if there was a hidden motive behind her befriending me and then I thought, maybe she just felt lonely. And so I started to be more friendly, at least I tried.

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