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There was no pulling back now. No surprise, no reluctance, no doubt. I drew her closer by the waist as her hands locked behind my neck. Our mouths pulled away for an instant to regain breath before moving back towards each other. As my hand travelled up her back, I stumbled forward making Ann hit the kitchen table. I heard a sharp moan in my mouth before the loud sound of shattering glass.

I pulled back instinctively.

"That hurt." Ann said with a grimace.

"Did the glass hit you?" I asked, panicking, "did it cut you somewhere?"

"No." She replied calmly. "I just hit my hip against the corner of the table, hard."

"Let me see." I extended my arm trying to make her turn around in order for me to inspect her but she pushed it away.

"It's nothing Cam, probably just a bruise." She said dismissively. "And I broke the glass." We both looked down at pieces of broken glass.

"That's my fault," I said, "let me pick up the pieces."

"Wait, not with your hands. You'll cut-"

"Ow." I yelped. Of course I'd cut my finger as soon as Ann said it.

She sighed. "I told you so."

I got up, holding my right index finger with my left hand and pouted. "It actually hurts, try to be more sympathetic."

She sighed again. "Let me see." She said and took my cut finger in her hands before I could protest.

I was looking at her instead of the cut and saw her eyes widening. "What?" I asked.

"It's a pretty deep cut, there's a lot of blood."

I looked down then. Blood was indeed coming out but it didn't seem that bad. "It's just a cut." I said, pulling my hand away.

She narrowed her eyes. "Cam."

"I'll just run water over it and it will be fine." I shrugged and took three steps to the sink doing just so. When I'd cleaned off the blood and turned back around, I found Ann standing in front of me with a first aid kit in her hands.

"Really?" I asked.

"We might need to bandage it," she pulled out a chair, "sit down."

I sighed but followed her instructions and ended up with a bandaged finger twice it's normal size. I held it up in front of me and laughed, only to receive a death glare from Ann. "I just saved your life." She said.

"Maybe so, but it still hurts." I whined.

"Really?" She asked, still concerned.

"You know," I said casually, "a kiss would make me heal completely."

I saw her freeze on the spot as a blush crawled up her cheeks. I'd almost forgotten what we'd been doing just ten minutes ago and didn't mean it to come out that way.

She cleared her throat but before she could say anything, I tried mending the situation. "Uh, I meant a kiss on my finger, not..." I paused, "you know, like, a kiss to make it better? Like kids do?"

"Of course, what other kiss could it be?" She said coolly, having regained back her composure. And she surprised me by taking my finger in her hands and kissing it softly, too bad I couldn't actually feel anything thanks to the stupid bandage. "There you go, now you can stop whining."

When she pulled back, I grinned. "Thanks, it feels much better now."

She did a half smirk, half smile kind of thing that looked sexy as hell and I decided to try my luck. "Does your hip still hurt?"

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