Chapter 25 :" Lunch Date "

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Swara had dated often as she told Sanskar but none of her dates had ever taken her to such a glamorous spot for lunch yet ,she didn't know how Sanskar had been able to find these spots in such a short time but then again she knew it was what made him a successful business man ,his strength to details .

She was fortunate that he had already reserved their place because one look at the waiting line she knew that place was well recommended by everyone and she wouldn't have been able to eat soon if they waited and stepping inside the restaurant she understood the reasons for its fame .

The décor wasn't too much but still able to wow you by its simplicity and her most favourite had been the seats he reserved for them which was near a glass pane Window the allowed them to have the outside view as well . Unlike her ,Sanskar was looking at her instead of the outside view as if waiting for her approval .

And she decide to stop making him nervous by getting her attention back to him . Since she didn't have words to describe the place ,she simply gestured a thumbs up which made him smile much to her delight .

After they placed their order which Swara had hard time choosing out of the several options , they were left alone till the food arrives and that when she finally decided to ask him something that was on her mind since earlier .

" Why did you never go on a date before, Why didn't you try finding the right person for you and end up accepting to marry Kavitha so that Lakshya can get married?" She asked him because she was curious about his reason for not dating .

" Well honestly i don't know if i can explain it, In College i found it was too soon to look for your life partner, everyone around me where dating and yet I felt there reasons were more to have a girlfriend than a long time partner which resulted in messy breakup as well .

i have seen some of my friends suffer due to there girlfriends and I have seen the opposite as well and i didn't want that life for me.

Don't get me wrong, most of the people you tend to date in College will be your classmates and if you date and then break up ,you still have to be in the same class .

And it will get awkward each time you meet them and such. Well i never went through it but my friends did and so i thought i should not date now.

I was planning on dating once i graduate Or at least get to know the person my aunt or uncle choose very well before marrying them . But after my life became too busy once I joined work that i never get to spend any time to think about dating and such."he answered back truthfully ,and Swara could understand him .

Dating was kind of a trend of sorts ,something that was deemed as fun and something that should definitely be experimented in college but as Sanskar said it does come with its share of drawbacks .

" I get it. I had the same problem too. But my approach was somewhat different, unlike you who decided to stay out of dating seeing your friends, i did quite the opposite.

Still School as i told you my life was kind of very much dictated by my Aunt. And College life was a breath of fresh air and i felt like i finally got the freedom i so wanted. I did all the things i never got to do ,play sports,Join dance club and such.

Then after the first 6 months, The Popular guy in our Class asked me to go on a date with him and i didn't know what to say so i agreed. I never thought about dating before that.

But i just don't know how to say No as it was so sudden. The date was not that bad but i didn't feel we had anything in common so when he asked me to go on a second date i told him No. This time i was able to do so as i had planned on how to say it the whole date.

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