Chapter 21:Adapting

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After shopping for hours, Sarah and I stopped at a small restaurant to eat. I stayed true to my word and only bought what I needed and made sure they were cheap even though Sarah tried to convince me to buy more.

We order our food and start to make our way home. I look at Sarah as she drives and I start to think about how my life will now be. I now have a home, I've lived all my life as a rogue and now I will finally have a home.

We drive into the driveway and before I can open my door, Daniel quickly walks over and opens it for me reaching out his hand. I unbuckle my seat belt and take his hand as he pulls me up.

 I laugh as he picks me up bridle-style and starts to carry me inside. "You know I have legs right?" Daniel looks at me with a glow in his eyes, "I know, and I know I just met you but I feel like I can never let you go." 

My smile widens as I lay my head on his chest, finally feeling at peace. We get inside and he sits me on his bed while he goes back down and grabs my clothes. I see him frown as he only had about 2 bags and I only had bought ten clothes. 

Daniel looks at me a small smile breaking out. "Why did you buy so little?" I shrug my shoulders and his frown becomes larger. He sits beside me sitting me in his lap. 

I blush as I feel uncomfortable but I snuggle into him after a few minutes. He hums softly as he plays with my hair. Soon I feel my eyes start to get heavy as I drift off to sleep.

*The Next Day*

I wake up in Daniel's arms and I snuggle closer to him not wanting to move. After a few more minutes I feel Daniel stir as he wakes up. He looks down at me with a bright smile and he kisses my nose softly as we get up.

I quickly take a shower and grab a pair of my jeans and one of Daniel's shirts. I quickly put it on and brush my teeth and hair. I walk out to see Daniel is dressed in a suit and he smiles at me, "I have a meeting to get to, I promised my dad I would go to this one." I nod feeling a bit sad and I quickly walk over to him to kiss his cheek. 

Daniel's Point of View:

 I left the bedroom with a big smile on my face. I've never been so happy, and I know Hailey is the reason behind it. I laugh as I think back to my life. I was so scared when I was younger, my dark past has never left me. I know I will never forget it, but at least now I can look back and remember how happy I am now, and that if that didn't happen I wouldn't be where I was today. 

I walk into the meeting room and sit down beside my dad listening to the conversation they were having. 

"So we've been having more and more rogue problems lately, and more and more rogues have started coming onto our land. We are trying to think on how to prevent and rid of all rogues on our land. Excluding your mate of course." 

The alpha says as he looks at me. I nod as he continues. "We are worried that the rogues are planning something, and if they join together we might not be able to stop them in time. So, Daniel, I will need you to start training the guards extra and be sure to give them little breaks, just don't overdo it as they will need the strength if a war happens."

I nod and the meeting continues as we discuss our rogue problem. After the meeting, I go back to my room to see Hailey playing on my laptop. I smile at the sight and sit down beside her. She doesn't notice me as I watch her play a game. 

I chuckle to myself as I pull her into my lap. She yelps and I can tell I'm about to get an earful as the words you lost are on the screen. She holds her hand on her chest for a few seconds before she hits me. "You startled me!" I chuckle and kiss her cheek, smiling as I see her face heat up. "Well it isn't my fault I had been sitting here for a minute while my mate hadn't noticed me." 

She glares at me but snuggles up to me as she restarts her game. I sit and watch for a little longer before I realize it's lunchtime and I should get us something to eat. I slowly set her back down on the bed, to make sure she doesn't lose, and I quickly peck her cheek as I walk out the door. 

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and start to cook some food After I finish cooking some chicken and mash-potatoes I quickly walk back upstairs. I open the bedroom door and set the food down on the bed as I pull Hailey back into my lap. She stops playing her game and we sit there in silence, happily eating our food.  

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