38| Her Reasons

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A/n All the BOLD&ITALIC  text is from previous chapters. 

Wahaj's POV

After dissecting the three mice to preserve the gene regulation and speciation in rodents, I went to the ladies washroom. The auditorium was buzzing with action – or as much energy you can get at a medical conference. I, on the other hand, was locked in a bathroom with the man who sat on his knees in the washroom.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He hisses as he sat on his knees after I kicked him in his crotch.

"You followed me," I spoke simply with venom in my voice as he tried to stand up after the blow.

"Its the ladies bathroom, you shouldn't be here," I announced as I got the compact powder from my small bag and reapplied my makeup while looking at his reflection from the mirror.

He winces almost imperceptibly before swallowing thickly, but his face remains stoic, his eyes full of fire. "What are you doing here? What do you want?" he asks through clenched teeth.

"You can't tell her," I heard Ahmad say to Professor.

"I won't," He responded.

"And when she finds out it was a lie she will hate me forever," Professor says to Ahmad.

I retrieve his conversation from the day we got married. I mentally want to kick myself for not seizing the clues earlier. "Our marriage was a lie, You wished disloyalty on my father and I from the moment you agreed to marry me, and you almost got away with killing them four years ago."

"What ?" he asked, confused as to why I was telling him this.

I take a deep breath as I look down into his eyes, "I am here to repay you," He seemed to be able to apprehend what I was assuming as I got the small fixed blade knife out of the compact powder, "My father promised loyalty to you and your family while you tried to kill him and my child so this is war," I said distracting him from the blade I was hiding.

I continued explaining, "Four years ago, you didn't want me to text my father," I got closer to where he sat on his knees to get closer with the blade I was holding, "and you checked my phone every chance you got four years ago because you were going to kill him. And what better way to do it than to be in the middle with his daughter," I clarified further, "I was so gullible that I didn't notice that you didn't want me to contact my father not because of me but because of your selfish reasons,"

"No one suspects, the guy who agreed to marry the girl and impregnated her." I accuse.

"Why are you telling me all of this after four years," He shrieked as he tried to conceal his feelings like he always does but couldn't. From the heat of the moment, he couldn't see the blade I was carrying that I kept hidden in my left hand inside the arm of the hoodie. 

"The first night, I was with you in the same room after you have known about my pregnancy. The first action you arranged was that you brought the medication. Then the only question you mostly ask repeatedly was the fact that I took my medication or not. Because you knew that you were giving me Ecstasy Pills (Causes Memory Problems)"

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