32| Her Insecurities

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Wahaj's POV 

Several days had passed since then I tried to tolerate Nermin who pushed my buttons every time she had the chance. I explained to the kids the situations even though Deniz seemed to be distanced he at least got it. Emir gladly welcomed me and so did Leyila. Layan and Roya were like always. My grandmother and I were now on a now speaking, but she refused for me to visit her in the house. As for my father, he would send me messages everyday updating me about his day even though I never respond, he never quits, and for the first time in a long time, I felt relaxed. As the days progressed my exam began to be closer than ever and before I knew it. I was ready to take the exam as it was scheduled for the next day.

The professor had spent all last night trying to teach me some tricks to memorize the absurd amount of information, and I think I finally got it. 

"Hey," He smiled as he caught sight of me as I went inside the kitchen maybe at midnight.

"Hi," I smiled tentatively and looked around the kitchen. It wasn't totally destroyed, thankfully. "What are you doing down here?"

"Well, I thought since you always had food cravings at midnight that I would make you food this time," There was a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"But?" I leaned against him as he pulled me into a hug.

"Well, I don't think I did it right, and now I am pretty sure it is inedible."

I couldn't help but laugh, and it felt good that he wasn't perfect. It felt good that he wasn't good at cooking. I needed to be good at something he isn't. He smiled and held me tightly against him. It felt so comfortable, safe, and just what I needed.

"And what exactly did you do?" He let go of me and I looked behind him on the stove.

"I was going for spaghetti. But, I don't think I did it right." He shifted his weight on his other foot and rubbed the back of his neck as I examined the stove.

There was one pot on the stove, and from what I could tell, it held water, uncooked pasta, still frozen ground beef, and tomato sauce.

"Professor exactly what did you do?" I laughed and poked the contents of the pot with a spoon.

"Well I boiled the water, and then added some pasta and meat."

"You put frozen meat in a pot of boiling water?"

"Um. Yes." He smiled his crooked smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Professor can you promise me something?" I carried the pot to the sink and turned off the stove.

"I can try."

"Promise me you will never ever try to cook anything that doesn't involve the toaster or microwave."

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