Chapter 10

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It was Trinity's first day back at work. She had just arrived in her office and taken off her coat when Josiah appeared to greet her, and hot on his heels was Rita.

"Thank God!" Josiah said as he fell into the chair on the other side of her desk. "I thought you had run away and were never coming back."

"You have been missed, Trinity," Rita said, sitting in the other chair next to Josiah. "How was your time off?"

"You mean other than the fact that Levi had to rush in and rescue us?" Trinity asked.

"Us? Josiah sounded accusing and was frowning as he asked the question.

"Levi didn't tell you?" Trinity looked between Josiah and Rita, feeling her throat tighten a little at their confused looks. He hadn't said a word, even to those he trusted most. It meant a lot.

They had only had to stay one day at the cabin. Levi had told his foreman where he would be and to send help once the weather cleared. Trinity had spent the rest of the week holed up in her house with Ben and Rainer. It's hadn't been ideal, but they had made it work.

"How's the new girl working out?" Trinity asked, changing the subject.

Josiah and Rita looked at one another seeking answers, but when nothing was revealed by the other, they took Trinity's hint and changed the subject.

"Early days yet," Josiah cagily said while Rita nodded her head in agreement.

"Where's her resume, what are her credentials? Is she a CPA?" Trinity fired off the questions but was met with only blank stares in return. "Neither one of you know, do you?" she asked, leaning back in her chair.

"No, Levi hired her without consulting us," Josiah confirmed.

"Can I get a copy of her resume?" Trinity asked, looking at Rita. "I am her supervisor, correct?"

"Sure," Rita agreed, pulling out her phone and sending a text.

"So, what did I miss?" Trinity asked.

"Levi found out that the thief at the hotel was the general manager. He had him arrested. It made the local news, so watch your step. Levi's a bit grumpy that his new toy has a chip," Josiah warned.

They talked a little more about the situation before Rita's assistant showed up with some papers that she handed to Rita as she eyed Trinity before leaving.

"What was that all about?" Trinity asked as she took a copy of the papers that Rita handed her.

"My guess, she thought you weren't coming back either." Josiah shrugged.

Trinity looked over the resume and wanted to groan. She had done a little bit of bookkeeping for the local nursing home, which probably meant billing, and that was fine, but the person she needed was someone who knew about budgets and taxes. Granted, it could be learned, but not quickly, which was not a great option when you needed someone yesterday.

Josiah and Rita were watching her closely, so she did her best not to give too much away.

A knock on the door frame of her office made her look up to find Levi and a beautiful, statuesque blond standing next to him. When her eyes landed on Trinity, her smile faltered.

Trinity took a moment to take in the sight of Levi. He had a fresh haircut and he looked handsome in his casual blue jeans and wool sweater with his ever-present cowboy boots. He also looked tired, so she held her tongue as she turned her attention to the woman. She was a beautiful woman and she knew it.

"Welcome back, Trinity," Levi greeted with a tired smile. "I wanted to introduce you to Dorthy Carter so that she can catch you up on all that you missed."

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