Chapter 1

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Trinity Emerson was preparing to exit the bathroom stall when she overheard the subject change in the conversation of two women standing in front of the mirror. She recognized one of the voices but not the other, and the conversation, not the person, made her pause before she exited the stall.

"Where will you be when the clock strikes midnight, Shana?" Ellen Green asked the girl who was a stranger to Trinity.

"I'm gonna try to be as close to Mr. Shaw as possible," the girl named Shana giggled, "and if I can't get close to him because he's being blocked by that holier than thou Gatekeeper then I'll try for Josiah."

Trinity knew that she was the Gatekeeper that the girl was referring to because she had heard herself called that numerous times. It was a nickname she had earned because of her close association with Levi Shaw, the owner of the company for which they all worked. There was a time in her life when she was younger that it would have bothered her but not now.

"I wouldn't count on Joey either," Ellen insisted. Josiah Shaw, also known as Joey by the adoring members of the female staff, was the adopted stepson of Levi Shaw. "You know the Gatekeeper always manages to be in multiple places at the same time." They both giggled as Ellen called Trinity once more by her nickname.

Trinity knew most people in the company didn't like her, and that was alright with her. The fewer people she knew, the fewer problems she had in her life.

"I wonder..." Shana's voice mused.

"What do you wonder?" Ellen asked, falling into her trap.

"I wonder if Emerson has slept with one or even both of them? She's between their ages so she could go either way."

The comment floored Trinity. She had never thought that others would think, much less believe, such a thing. True, she worked closely with both Levi and Josiah, but she worked closely with Rita too, did they also think she was sleeping with her? It was just as ridiculous a thought.
"I don't know?" Ellen sounded hesitant about the way the conversation was going. "She's been here for over three years, and there's never been any hint of such a thing. I always thought she was a lesbian," she supplied as if reading Trinity's mind.

"No way!"

"She's not married, and she never dates..." Trinity could almost hear Ellen shrug.

What was it they said, those who listened in on private conversation never heard well of themselves? Not that being a lesbian was a bad thing, but sleeping with both her bosses was not a rumor that she wanted to go around.

But how to stop it?

"I don't buy it. Emerson is gorgeous, and it would be easy for her to have an affair with either Mr. Shaw or Joey. They all travel together so much," the young Shana insisted.

"Sure, but they're always traveling with Rita, and I don't think she would stand for such a thing." Ellen returned. "Not only that, but Levi Shaw is still very much in love with his dead wife. It broke his heart when she died two years ago. If you had been here when it happened, you wouldn't doubt it."

At least they weren't maligning Rita's good name, and she was thankful that Ellen had reminded the other girl that Levi wasn't available.

"I'm sure you're right, but could you imagine if it was true?" Shana mused. "Well, if his wife has been dead for two years, he has to be lonely, if you know what I mean, and if Trinity isn't taking advantage of that situation, then someone should, and why not me?

Trinity had finally heard enough, and she opened the stall door with a clatter, and looked Ellen over, noticing her extra high-heels and cheeks that were quickly turning red at Trinity's sudden appearance. Then she turned her eyes on the other girl, Shana. She was young, in her early twenties perhaps. She was short and wearing clothes that were a little inappropriate for the cold weather. Trinity took her time, letting her eyes scan the girl before she walked over to the sink and washed her hands slowly and methodically.

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